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business 1.4 - Coggle Diagram
business 1.4
organisational design
def:- means creating the formal hierarchy that establishes who is answerable to whom throughout the organization
businesses would often divide up their workforce into workers with a common purpose eg. marketing, finance etc, every individual would answer to one person; their line manager, no manager would be overloaded with too many subordinates so the span of control would be kept low
levels of hierarchy;- number of different supervisory management levels between the bottom of the chart and top of the hierarchy
chain of command:- shows the reporting system from the top of the hiercharchy to the bottom; the route that information travels throughout the organization
centralisation & décentralisation:- describes the extent to which decision making power and authority is delegated within an organisation
types of structure: tall, flat, matrix
tall:- lots of layers of management, span of control is narrow, businesses do this to avoid mistakes,
flat:- vertical communication should be speedy and perhaps direct, straight to the boss instead of talking through his or her manager
organisational structure:- is their is no structure, business efficiency will be down, causing the problems of: poor communication leading to mistakes, duplication of tasks, tasks being overlooked, departments failing to work together effectively
approaches to staffing
def:- staffing is the thinking behind the broad approach to staff and the specifics of how many people are needed for each role
staff as asset v staff as cost;- some companies provide extras such as pensioners, whereas some only offer zero hour contracts
ever-improving technology means that the marketplace is subject to frequent and often rapid change, many consumers want more customized goods and services; firms have to adapt the production process in order to meet demand, while still operating efficiently to keep costs down, increasing competition
multiskilling:- workers are given the scope and ability to carry out a variety of tasks, rather than specializing in completion of one particular area
motivation in practice
4 are:- financial incentives, empowering the employees through delegation consultation and empowerment, team and felxible working, job enlargment (job enrichment and job rotation)
some include: commission, bonus, profit share, performance-related pay
intro to managing people
keys to effective people management:- making sure you have the right number of staff, with the right skills and experience and in the right places, to meet all production and customer service requirements, - making sure those staff understand the business culture and are motivated in the right way, to ensure that quality standards match or beat customer expectations
planning your staffing needs:- personnel planning is about thinking ahead so that staff have the right balance of the right skills in each year into the future
instilling staff culture & motivation:- focusing on the right number of people in the right places, making sure their overall manner fits with the company ethos, making sure new recruits have a good idea of what the company traditions and culture is
recruitment, selection & training
cost of training
after a mistake, can get instant advice from workers
may take a lower priority, as staff focus on production targets
many organizations view training as an avoidable expense, choosing to cut training budgets when under pressure in order to cut costs, or to poach employees already equipped with the necessary skills from other firms.