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PREAMBLE - Coggle Diagram
It implies that India is neither a dependency nor a dominion of any other nation, but an independent state. India can either acquire a foreign territory or cede a part of its territory in favour of a foreign state.
Democratic Socialism holds faith in 'mixed economy'. Indian socialism is a blend of Marxism& Gandhism, added by 42nd Am. Act 1976
It was added by 42nd Am. Act 1976. The Const. embodies Secularism- all religions have the same status& support from the state.
Indirect Democracy- representatives elected by the people. Const. provides for the representative parliamentary democracy.
The head of the state is always elected indirectly for a fixed period. India has an elected head- President. Republic means- vesting of political sovereignty in the people& absence of any privileged class.
3 forms of justice- Social Justice: equal treatment of all citizens. Economic Justice: non-discrimination btw. people on basis of economic factors. Political Justice: all citizens have equal political rights. (taken from Russian Revolution)
It means absence of restraints on activities of individuals& providing opportunities for development. Preamble secures- liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith& worship. It is not absolute but qualified.
Preamble secures equality of status& opportunity. three dimensions of equality- Civic Equality: FR's Art.14-18. Political Equality: Art.325 inclusion in electoral rolls& Art326 elections on basis of adult suffrage. Economic Equality: DPSP Art.39 adequate means of livelihood.
It means a sense of brotherhood. Const. promotes this by system of Single Citizenship, Fundamental Duties. Preamble assures- dignity of the individual, unity& integrity of the nation. Fraternity add by 42nd Am. Act 1976.
Can Preamble be amended?
In Berubari Union Case 1960-Yes. In Kesavananda Bharati Case 1973-Yes. Preamble has been amended only once in 1976,by 42nd Am. Act which added 3 new words- Socialist, Secular& Integrity.
Preamble is based on the 'Objectives Resolution'. The reason for inserting the Preamble at the end of Const. was to ensure that it was in the conformity with the Const. as adopted by the Constituent Assembly.
Text of the Preamble
date of adoption of the Const.- 26th Nov. 1949. Preamble states that Const. derives its authority from the people of India.