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The story behind my game 'Dragon counting' - Coggle Diagram
The story behind my game 'Dragon counting'
The wizard of Dust and Mirrors-jhon (anti hero)
the yin to the player character
moth familiar
crow familiar
they have dust and mirrors
dust occurs when things have not been moved or touched in a very long time
dust can be something that taints colours and stops people from being able to see something clearly
dust is often grey
mirrors reflect and can copy anything including colour no matter how far away the mirror is
mirrors are often used for people to reflect and to look at themselves making Jhon seem judgmental
while the science behind a mirror is clear, they can still come across as scary in some way
a mirror can also break but for one to break a mirror, it must be done on purpose out os anger and fustration for there image
we often see dust as being weak, fluffy and in some cases gross but dust can actually be a guard or sign of some kind to maybe re-look at things that you have done in the past
mirrors can become sharp once they are broken but are seen as structural and thought provoking
he is the wizard that was birthed by the underworld and enchanted forest leaving his identity fractured and kept in a spotlight where he will forever consider himself dangerous and unfit to keep the world as we know it safe.
just like the mirrors that surrond him, he breaks easily, being emotionally explosive at the drop of a hat.
reckless when he is desperate to re-gain control
afraid of other people and so stays locked up in his house
The wizard and Dust of mirrors works in the underworld to fix the system, while the Underworld is inheritly bad, it is still needed to keep a balance for the fabric of reality.
the unlikely supporting character
was born from the enchanted forest and the underworld
intelligent and introspective, he will know more than anyone else about the land and nature
both of them are mainly tonal, being the yin or yan or the cliche night and day
they both really love eachother being twin soul
The player Character (protagonist)
they are made of stained glass
a stained galss window can be looked through but with the colours, it feels as if your looking in a different persepctive
stained glass windows often tell a story making the character seem proud
stained glass is very rarely white which makes this character special
white is every colour in the spectrum
stained glass windows can be broken but they must be broken intentionally out of hate and misinterpritation
stained glass can become sharp once broken, the idea of wrothlessness, shattering a story so you could get a tool to cut others with
the yan of Jhon
they hold colours and can shine light through themselves in different ways
light can bring hope
light can make people happyier
light is needed for us to see
one colour is everything but the colour we perseeve it as making everything harmonious and fluid
colour can make us feel and think differently
butterfly familiars
they are here to keep the overworld safe while Micheal restores the underworld once again after fusing with the Player character
They need to find the dragons so then the underworld is conditioned again to fit the worlds needs
born bfrom the living forest and enchanted forest
are a system trying to keep a system safe
The ancient one (mentor)
Farmer Beck (supporting character)
my friendly child mind, a strawberry
he is the idea of present tense, healing, hope and food/plant life
you are what you eat
healthy food means that you are not only able to survive but you will feel alive
your real and you need sunlight, water and minerals to be happy
good food is made with love
self compassion
letting go of your past
remaining optomistic
taking the time to let your garden grow and then nurture it
sharing hte fruit you have grown with others around you
to keep everyone in the village happy and healthy
to spread hope for the people
he has to sacrifice himself in order for the living land to be truely restored because despite the statues and that you create in the world seemingly causing the underworld to vansih, it is merily an illusion and concept, what this means for the player and Micheal however, is that they have gone on a false red herring and all of there work has led nowhere becuase the dragons creations were merily a concept.
he has bees in his garden,
The friendliest villiger (guide)
my foolishness as a persona
The ever right hog (character of significance)
my imperfections
The light cannon (threat)
mass destrcution that spells doom as a reaccuring dream but in a much more reality grounded way
the white lamb (character of significance)
the angelic character that speaks not all illusionment is grime and sometimes what drives are desire is good
the silent prince (character of significance)
my world perspective
The true prince ((character of significance))
the systems above me
The baker (character of significance)
my ignorance and perfection as a persona
Dasmin (antagonist)
who i saw myself as during my my rebellion phase as a child
Dasmin is a pixel
pixels are self lumminous
pixels are known for keeping people up at night because they emit blue light
they stimulate people, being patterns of colours that then resemble something to someone, like a mirror but not exactly
pixels are RGB which makes this character somewhat deseptive
pixels can strain your eyes and change your vision making them harmful
no one likes the white light that emits from a pixel and they would all rather turn to Jhon
while you cant see yourself in a monitor, you feel oddly comforted by staring at them all day, as if your partly this computor with all of the tools, photos, filters, games and stories you could ever need; all entertainment was here and you felt a part of your soul stuck inside of the thing.
note: this does not mean technology exists in this universe but hints at the idea of him being a pixel
to kill the planet by making things in the underworld more unbalanced
wants to break both Jhon and the player character not just to stop them from undoing his progress but to also then use them as a catalyist
he feels that reality was better off dead becuase of how much of life we are willing to waist time
Dasmin was born from the enchanted forest and the underworld
Dasmin was a seemingly normal child with bright and ambitious plans but then as he grew up he soon became more envyious and power hungry, realising everyones desires and what it meant to be alive. He started hating
open minded
the specticle (anti villian)
time weaver
2nd villian
Micheals demon (midnights child)
demonic photographer
in the story for a second, ends up stopping Jhon where he is then trapped as a damsel in distress.
the main character could help him but then risk being covered in moss.
"your just moss now...but i loved you!..."
3 plot points
heros journey
Fraytags prymid
extra loop holes
make sure
they loop
this will be the true ending of the butterfly affect
world building
the overworld
while it is not fully clear, the overworld is the player characters hell. Constantly looping to try and figure out where the dragons went and why.
while you live a hpapy life in the overworld, it is slowly revelaed that nothing in this world is real, the 4th wall is broken and it is revealed that you are simply jusst a sprite made by someone with the desperate intnetion of letting everything that they know bleed into whatever they create, being what has consumed them. now that they are in the real world trapped in a window, they are techically not real and will possibly be fergotten about.
backstories and symbolism
the idea of inception and looping
dust is a ghost, it covers everything and shows the past through its existance. When you remove it, you have ignored the ghost or time traveled but the dust will always come back eventually.
jhons backstory:
Jhon was hit by a camera lens and this camera lens made him mysteriously dissapear for some time stuck in this mirror capsule that had weird blobs that would float into it and then bounce off of these miirrors until it reached the top and would flow out of this other lens. When these blobs touched him, he would start feeling ill with all of his life regrets and negative outcomes flooding him till he was physically sick where he would puke up these pixel bunnies. Eventually he splitted into many versions of himself and had lost his past self to this new senario. He then mysteriously winds up back at the village which is why his mind is so distorted, therfore being un-able to save the world they were in.
flowers are memories and fruit is successes
bees pollinating these flowers make me part of the hive mind, i am a hive, a system. We are all connected.
and yet Jhon is still affected somehow and seems to be looking at the hive mind
rabbits are a symbol of over population in the system of emotions
the moth is the symbolim of growth, frendship and imaginary friends