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Chapter 4 - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 4
Mutual Funds
Money Market Funds
Equity Funds
Specialized Sector Funds
Bond Funds
International Funds
Balanced Funds
Asset Allocation and Flexible Funds
Index Funds
Investment Cost in Mutual Funds
Operating Expense
Front-End Loan
Back-End Loan
12-B1 Charges
Taxation of Mutual Fund Income
Invester trả thuế
One disadvantage for individual investors
ko kiểm soát được sale time => khó khăn trong tax manage engagement
Fund high porfolio turnover rate => "Tax inefficient"
Funds must include after-tax returns for -1, -5, -10 years periods
Exchange-Traded Fund
Smart Beta Fund
ETNs or ETVs
Total Return Swaps
Investment companies
Net Asset Value
3 types of investment companies
Unit Investment Trusts
Managed Investment Companies
Open-end Fund
Closed-end Fund
Exchange-Traded Funds
Information on Mutual Fund
Fee & Mutual Fund Return