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4.2 Access to freshwater - Coggle Diagram
4.2 Access to freshwater
Physical vs Economic scarcity of water
climate in that region is dry and/or the water is being over-extracted for human use, either for domestic, agricultural or industrial use.
physical infrastructure is not in place to ensure that clean safe water is available to the population
Access to an adequate freshwater supply varies widely
watea scarce issues
economy water scarcity
Biofuel demand heavy use of water
Lack of finances
Lack of knowledge and skills
marginalized groups in society
the wealthy group most likely to have reliable water supply
Climate change may disrupt rainfall patterns and further affect this access
rainfall pattern - distribution of rain geographically, temporarily and seasonally
agriclture is planned based on rainfall's natural pattern
water storage, irrigation networks, and urban water supply systems are designed to the average annual rainfall
heavy rainfall cause flood
ruoff picking up contaminants on the way and travels to the larger water bodies like lakes, estuaries, ocean
polluting the water bodies
limit water access
As population, irrigation and industrialization increase, demand for water increase
Demand increase
Expanding population
Rising standard of living
changing agricultural practice
wash more frequently
wash gardens and cars
Freshwater supplies may became limited through contamination and unsustainable abstraction
Enhance water supply
large water body that forms behind a wall constructed across a river or a large valley
for irrigation, flood control, fisheries and recreational purpose
problems: change of habitat, extinction of aquatic species, disappearance of birds, lost of forest, wetland and farmland, relocation of people from flooded area, lost of fish and mammal migratory routes by dam wall
thorugh water network and grids over longer distances, from area with plentiful supply to area of shortage
help with construction and maintenance of water infrastructure and boost the economy in the basin where the water originates
However it is extremely expensive and lead to overuse and abuse of water supply in originating basin and harm the areas ecosystem
Conversion of salt water intro fresh water by extraction of dissolved salts
Does not affect water level in rivers, ernergy intensive with ecological footprint, plants are expensive and do not offer solution for poorest countries, salt return to ocean as waste which can be harmful to local marine ecosystem
artificial recharge of aquifers
spread water over the land in pits, furrow or ditches, creating a small dams in stream channels and deflect surface runoff thus allowing it to inflitrate
Constructing recharge wells and injecting water directly into aquifer
Rainwater harvesting schemes
process of collecting rainwater from surfaces on which rain falls, filtering it and storing it for multiple use
independent water supply, suitable for irrigation, reduce floods and soil erosion, reduce demand on ground water
unpredictable rainfall, regular maintenance, certain roof types may seep chemicals, storage limits
Conflict in Nile river basin: