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My Journey in photographs - Coggle Diagram
My Journey in photographs
A. Paragraph
First real job at age a waitress.
Learning essential skills like understanding people, teamwork and humor,which later helped in journalism.
F. Paragraph
Hail damage in southern Minnesota , Trus
B. Paragraph
For photography, the author worked for the university newspaper
C. Paragraph
Jim Vance , expectation
D. Paragraph
The Globe, Paul Gruchow
E. Paragraph
" this Bob Gilka " National Geographic, overcame
G. Paragraph
National Georaphic in 1978,
H. Paragraph
Turned out to be transportation.Traveled by mule,ship,fishing boat,moped,sailboat,helicopters
I. Paragraph
Taking beautiful pictures making real difference shooting portraits
J. Paragraph
Grateful for life in photography women hold up half the sky language isn't always necessary touch usually is hopes and fears listening encriches impossible to hate knowing individuals.
Dedamirzayeva Shahnoza
Reading explorer 4