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Chemistry revision, Unknown solution - add sodium hydroxide solution -…
Chemistry revision
The gas tests
Carbon dioxide test
The test for carbon dioxide ses an aqueous solution called lime water and if Co2 is present, the water will turn cloudy.
To test for carbon dioxide, half fill a test tube with lime water and add a spatula of of a metal carbonate and 2cm of hydrochloric acid to another test tube. place a delivery tube with a bung to transfer the carbon dioxide to the lime water.
Chlorine test
The test for chlorine gas uses a paper called litmus paper, When dampened in the solution created by the chorine gas, it is bleached white. Two poles are placed in a liquid and a current is ran through them. then copper chloride is put in and the negative chorine attaches to one of the poles which is positively charged and the copper attaches to the negative pole.
Oxygen test
The method for testing for oxygen involves genarting a gas from a reaction of chemicals. Then place a glowing splint into the tube and if it relights, Oxygen is present.
Hydrogen test
The method for testing for hydrogen is putting a lit splint over the top of a test tube that has a gas in it. if hydrogen is present, there will be a squeaky pop sound.
What is a formulation?
A formulation is a mixture of substances with defined qualities and each component serves a purpose.