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PPT 11 - Coggle Diagram
PPT 11
What is the problem with a growing middle class?
More money means greater use of valuable or threatened resources.
For example,in Beijing total consumption of water exceeded supply in 2012 by 70% because more residents had installed showers and flushing toilets
More money means more leisure time, so use of swimming pools, holiday spas and access to water-intensive drinks.
Globally, Co2 emissions are rising. They are 53% higher now than in 1990.
China's emissions have risen by nearly 300%, a sign of the power of the emerging middle class?
The Middle class
A group of people who can
Own a home
Own a car
A university level education for their children
GO o holidays
Health security and a retirement framework
Newly Emerging Economies
NEEs have also led to increased resource consumption, which has exceeded global population growth since 2000.
China's increased affluence is illustrated by:
Meat consumption up 99%
Fruit and nut consumption up 99%.
Tea up 71%
Perfume up by 133%
The Global Middle class has grown rapidly
It grew by 500 million 2000-2014
Main growth areas are Latin America, South and South-East Asia
In Mexico, the number of households with an income of over 50,000 dollars will reach 7 million by 2025 (50% increase since 2010).
China is expected to have 1billion middle class residents by 2030
1 billion Chinese own a phone- environmental impacts of high phone ownership are substantial.
Oil is used for plastic
Metals such as Zinc and Nickel
Lithium batteries in phones