Tissues: Tissue can be defined as the coming together of cell of similar structure to perform a specific function. This cell have a common origin. The study of tissue is called Histology. As Compared to the study of cells which cytology and organology the study of organs and Anatomy the study of organs, cell, tissue and system and the relationship between them. and morphology is the study of the physical structure of a living entity or an organism.

Intercellular spaces: This can be defined as the space between two adjacent cells in a tissue and it usually filled with interstitial fluid which have Extracellular matrix suspended in it and also hormones and signalling molecules which secretes cytokines e.g integrin.

The body is made up 60-70 percent of water and this water can be found in the intracellular and extracellular fluid spaces. Note that 2/3 ot the body water is found in the intracellular compartment and 1/3 is found in the Extracellular Compartment.

Intracellular Fluid Space This refer to all the fluid inside a cell. e.g the cytoplasm
Extracellular Fluid; This refer to all the fluid outside the cell which are Intravascular(plasma that carries red blood cell etc ), Transcellular Fluid like in the case of CSF(Cerebrospinal Fluid ), The Semen and the Gastrointestinal fluid.

Cytoplasm ; This can be defined as the fluid that fills the intracellular space in a cell it is called the protoplast when it carries some organelles whether be it prokaryotes or eukaryotes

Interstitial Fluid: This can be defined as the fluid that fills intercellular spaces it helps in the suspension of the Extracellular matrix which helps in structural support. it also helps in suspending signaling molecules and hormones as well.
Blood plasma, the liquid portion of blood that carries cells, proteins, and nutrients. Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates through lymphatic vessels, helping defend against infection. Cerebrospinal fluid cushions and protects the brain and spinal cord. Synovial fluid lubricates joints and tendons. Serous fluid is found in cavities surrounding organs, such as pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluid. Aqueous humor is a clear fluid in the eye that maintains pressure and supplies nutrients. Vitreous humor is a gel-like fluid in the eye that gives shape and maintains pressure. Semen is the male reproductive fluid, containing sperm and seminal vesicle fluid. Vaginal discharge, or leukorrhea, is a natural lubricant produced by the vagina. Amniotic fluid surrounds and protects the fetus during pregnancy. Perilymph is the fluid surrounding the inner ear, helping transmit sound vibrations. Gastrointestinal Fluid is the fluid concern with the intestinal area

Extracellular Matrix;

pH level can be defined as the conc of hydrogen ion in a solution it is how basic or acidic a solution is.

Plant tissue: Plant tissue are the coming together of plant cells to perform a specific function it can be broaderly divided into two

Animal Tissue:

Meristematic: This can be gotten from the greek word meristos which means dividing meristematic tissue are the tissue constantly dividing into permanent tissue via mitosis and retaining some meristematic cell as well. meristematic cell can contribute to organogenesis which means they can differentiate. it is of three type giving credit to where they are found.

Permanent Tissue

Apical meristematic; This can be divided into two
Shoot Apical Meristem: This can be found in the shoot of plant it is responsible for the growth in the length of plant
Root Apical meristem: this can be found in the root of stem and helps in the elongation of root and majority of times in the rapid growth of root hair.


Lateral Meristematic: This is responsible for secondary growth it is located within the width of stem branches and root it is responsible for the horizonatal growth. and it does it in two steps

Process Involve in Plant Growth : Which is
Cell Division: This can be defined as the process of cell replication through mitosis
Cell Elongation: Cell elongation is a complex process involving cell growth, cell wall modification, cytoskeleton reorganization, and intracellular transport, which is essential for various biological processes
Cell Differentiation: This refers to a complex process where by group of cell becomes specialized in performing a particular function..

Some Terms Explaination

Vacuolization: This is the formation of vacoules within the cell this formation can lead to an increase in cell size.
Ligin: This is a type of organic polymer that is formed from various mixtures of phenolic compound.

Root Hairs: This are tiny projections like thin extensions that are found in the areas called root hair zone they increase surface area for nutrient and water absorption.
On the other hand Trichomes are tiny extensions found in the leaves stems and flowers of plant that perform a number of function trichomes may be glandular or non glandular which means they secrete chemical substance or do not secrete chemical substance, this chemical substance if glandular can attract herbivore predators. they also act as water repellent surfaces and protection against the sun uv rays.
Glabrous: This are leaves or stems that do not have trichomes they have other special way of protecting themselves from excessive uv rays and alo excessive transpiration. one of them i know is the Carica papaya in other words pawpaw

Cuticle. This are thin and can appear shining surfaces find in the leaves of plant that helps in reducing transpiration and also shields it from excessive sunlight. note that plant have evolve and now use other mechanism like Anthocyanins, flavonoids and also uv protective proteins.
Transpiration: This can be defined as the removal of not accurately excess water but the removal of water from plant to the atmosphere through the stomata.

Movement of solute can be divided into two which are apoplastic and symplastic pathways
Apoplastic Pathway: This can generally refer to the movement of solute(minerals and nutrients ) and water through the dead tissue parts of a plant like xylem vessels, thick cell walls and intercellular spaces.
Symplastic Pathway: This can generally refer to as the movement of solutes and water through the living part of the plant tissue like the plasmodesmata and the cytosol
Plasmodesmata: This can be defined as the channel connecting two adjacent cells. similar to the connexons of the animal cell junction
Cytosol: This is also called the cytoplasmic matrix it is like the interstitial fluid just that it is inside the intracellular space rather than the extracellular space. so the cytosol is the liquid part of the cytoplasm.

What is a lenticel and what is a stomata: A lenticel can be defined as the unregularized macroscopic openings that helps in co2 intake and releases O2.
Stomata: This can be referred to as a microscopic opening that releases water and also allows for the diffusion of co2 and releases o2 it can also aid transpiration in plants.

Note that is the Night time plant can also undergo respiration and take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. plant loose about 100l of water a day in a scorching hot sun that is about 95% of his water.

Thin Cell wall : Compose of Cellulose microfibrils plus pectin a gel like polysaccharide and some hemicellulose it is majorly found in tissue with minimal support and helps to aid storage, photosynthesis and effective exchange of materials
Thick Cell Wall: This also compose of cellulose and the most differing component is the lignin as it also contain cellulose and hemicellulose and pectin but have a very differing structure which is the lignin. it functions is a follow provides maximum support for plant gives plant it rigidity allow for exchange of materials if it is not fully dead at maturity as in the case of collenchyma. or even if it follow dead they are pores within the lignified matrix so exchange can still be possible this will be apoplastic channels,

Shoot Apical meristem: This is responsible for the development of new leaves, stem and flowers. in the plant it is necessary for new development.

Root Apical meristem: This can be defined as the development of new root in a plant it is the development of new root cell.

Vascular Cambium: This can be defined as the replacement of the procabium with the cambium tissues like pholem and xylem. it produces new vascular tissues from the vascular bundles which differentiate to be pholem and xylem.

Cork Cambium: This can be defined as the lateral meristematic tissue responsible for the replacement of the epidermis when it dies. it replaces it with bark.

This is responsible for he elongation of plant it is located at the base of leaves stem and flowers.

Epidermis; This refers to the outermost layer of the plant it shield it from mechanical damage and also protect it from pathogens.
Cork: This arise from the cork cambium it replace the epidermis and gives the plant protection and insulation.
Bark: This include all the dead cork cells and dead epidermis cell it is the outer layer of the stem that consist of all those dead materials.

Precambium: This is this the tissue that acts like a temporary vascular tissue and eventually give rise this tissue.
Cambium: A type of meristematc tissue responsible for secondary growth.
Pretodem: The outermost layer of the meristematic cell that gave rise to the epidermis.

Cortex: This is a layer of cell within the epidermis it roles is to engage in gaesous exchange and also help in storage of food transported by the pholem and also give support
Pith: This is a soft tissue that is located in the stem and root is helps in support and also stores food and water.

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Simple Tissue: This can be defined as tissues that are made up of one type of cells.

Complex Tissue: This can be defined as the type of tissue made up of more than one type of cell.











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Xylem parenchyma

Companion cells

Pholem parenchyma

Sieve Tubes

Pholem fibre

Corpus Turnica

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Animal Tissue

Epithelia Tissue: This are tissue that help in majorly covering. secretion and absorption

Connective Tissue: This are tissues that help in majorly binding transporting

Muscular( Skeletal ) Tissue: This are tissue that helps in majorly movement

Nervous Tissue; This are the tissue that helps majorly in coordination and control

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