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Hydreogeology week 5 - Coggle Diagram
Hydreogeology week 5
lecture 3
can be gypsum/chalk, in irish context its limestone
dissolution occurs in discrete zones and open conduits(pipes) form
conduits move large amounts of water and mass
ireland in shallow sea,near equator
epikarst: 0-10m shallow channels on surface of landscape, formed from releaze of stress- removal of overburden(ice)
lecture 2
the drawdown response in a pumped well can indicate the kind of environment and factors affecting the well
water flows along faults easily in any type of rock as space is created laterally, really complicated to move "against" faults as they are treated as barriers
recovery test
turn pump off, water at its lowest then starts recovering as theres a hydraulic gradient created
time taken dependent on T, recovery = residual drawdown.