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32 - Coping With Life's Anxieties, JEHOVAH GOD HELPS US TO COPE WITH…
32 - Coping With Life's Anxieties
How? World with no peace? / PRAYER
Let's see how Philipans 4:6,7
Phil 4:6,7
"Do not be anxious over anything"
Powerful - how?
Jehovah - sad :check: disappointed :check: upset :check: / NEVER anxious or worries
why? Control
never tells us stop being sad / time to be sad
He never anxious - no reason
"Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace"
Like Jehovah? Prayer!
Happy = pray / sad or anxious = pray
Thank Jeh = peace / focus changes
Greives shared are halved / joys shared are doubled
Jeh knows our hearts - wants us to express
Matters to you, matters to him
don't spend time worrying, spend time praying
Receive? " The peace of God that surpass all understanding."
Meaning? "Surpasses all our dream" or "excels all human planning"
no way out? Jehovah has one - do unexpected
Give strength to us
Once we have prayed, trust the power of prayer. How?
Leave it with Jeh!
Brother help? Constantly watching.... feel? trusted him?
thrown?? Leave! Not yours!
How? v8,9 - focus on rightousness, loveable, praiseworthy and more...
think - how Jeh helped me?
Thoughts > feelings > actions
Fill mind w/ encouraging thoughts... peace > happy life.
time, patience & practice - you can overcome anxiety
Quickest route - anxiety to peace = prayer
Ps 94:19
Jeh respond? Gives us comfort. Find? Bible.
Example needed comfort? Elijah [Pic 2]
1 kings 19 - couragoues to feaful!
:4 - take my life away
Jeh respond? "how dare you!"
Helped him to sleep / angel eat bread and water / tasty??? :smiley:
slept again / Jeh patience!
another meal > correct? no "What are you doing here Elijah?"
Elijah poured out his heart
value of patience - Warm invitation for Elijah to express himself
Jeh Validated Elijah's emotions without agreeing with his thinking.
Being heard is so close to being loved, there's almost no difference
be patient - we have no idea / jeh waited 40 days!
Bible assures us of God's love for us. Matt 10:29-31
[pic 3] Love birds! not sparrows = common, not so beautiful
Jeh = precious.
cares = can't worship, how much more us?
Jeh reminder = you are precious
Need guidance?
Ps 119:105
Walking - need two lights.
immediate benefit - lamp for foot
long term benefit - light for path
Bible principles - driving a car
When facing difficult decisions, do research or ask an experienced Christian for help to discern which Bible principles apply (Pr 15:22)
Take what practical steps you can, and then leave matters in Jehovah’s hands
flashlight - no good in back pack - use it!
What you're stepping on / One to know where you are going!
Summer Olympics 1992. Quarter final 400m. Derek Redmond FAV
1/2 - Disaster / hamstring torn / collapsed.
Determined - how? / Couldn't stand.
So much pain, he knew he needed help
Feel this way? Anxities?
Financial / negativity / emotional problems - struggle!
Comfort = 1 Peter 5:7
Promise - he will help us cope
Reason - he loves us
5 ways: Peace, comfort, guidance, providing for us, love& support.
rising costs / job security / inflation...
Personal promise - Matthew 6:33,34
"all other things" - everything!
How? "Put kingdom first"
easy to read, hard to do
God really saying.... first provide everything?
Pray = food?? No.
balance = care for responsibilities, whilst kingdom first.
How? Trust Jeh
Food? Clothing? Roof? All good.
Prayer - helps
Not automatic - takes work. Clear answers
One brother in Russia was having his home searched by police due to his stand as a Jehovah’s witness.
He prayed to Jehovah and said “Jehovah, please, I don’t know what to do. Please help me to know what to do.”
Right then the lead investigator was looking at our brother’s fridge and loudly read the words on a magnet. “Do not be anxious, for I am your God.”
The brother immediately recognized this was an answer to his prayer.
Did the brother know what to do then? Was his prayer answered? Yes. He needed to trust in Jehovah.
Do our best = Jehovah does the rest
Overwhelmed? Stop. Pray. Jeh will come through.
:34 - next day. One day at a time.!!!!!
How else? Proverbs 17:17
Support - uses other people
anxities like us! / empathise
Where? Right here. [pic 4]
Brothers - sisters - why? Family.
Borne for times of distress - made to help us!
When do you need a friend most? Difficult times.
Jeh provides right person at right time.
No Friends in cong?? - what kind of friend are you?
be honest. More joy if we are a good friend.
We need the congregation for help. - strayed / once active / once studied
Commended for coming here today
Reason why you are here
You are here because you still love Jehovah
Deep down you know this is the truth
Why are you fighting it
Stop fighting it
Warm invitation to come back to where you belong
You are our family
What are you waiting for?
What have we seen? 5 ways
PEACE / COMFORT / GUIDANCE / Provides needs / support
remember one thing? key point? ISA 41:10
Yes, Jeh help you / do not be anxious. Why? He is our god.
Runner? On the floor - no way to finish the race.
helpless - father ran on [pic 5]
picked him up and led him along the track
"I failed you."
Father respond? "Son, I have never been more proud of you."
Finished the race - didn't win. Who is remembered?
father and his child who worked together to acheive the unacheivable
A father who helped his child when he needed it the most.
Jeh feels just like that father
Knows we are struggling / may feel failed
Always remember: Jeh rushing to help you through any trail
When we cross finish line of new world, confident Jeh will say to us "My child, I have never been more proud of you."
1- Very early on, when I say "disaster stuck"
2- When I introduce Elijah
3 - After I read Matt 10:29
4- After Prov 17:17
5- Conclusion, when I say his father runs on