Heijunka - Nivela las cargas, flow where you can, pull wher you must
traditional production scheduling lead to push system
Variaciones en la carga de Trabajo
Incrementos de STOCKS, safety factor
requiere nueva MO
mayor costes
click to edit
MUDA (Desperdicios) / MURA (desnivelados) / MURI (sobrecarga maquinas o personas
inventory banks
parts shortage
missed shipments
IDEALLY- One piece flow without work-in-process inventory
Even AI is still an educated guess
If Cicle times vay a lot, change overtimer or are too far away
Use pull systems to avoid overproduction
create small amounts of stock betw operations with the goal to schrink over time
pull parts from small inventory buffer and replenish like a supermarket
Clients use Kanban to inform the upstream supplier process is ready for more
Linking what custumer wants with what the company produces.
When the client begin to use a container, the custumer sends a signal and material handling brings the next container, which triggers another production of parts.