Evaluate the view that since 2010 (exclude Red as red is pre 2010) the UK has seen a return to cabinet government
Intro: a cabinet government in where the real executive power rests with the cabinet of ministers who are individually and collectively responsible to the legislature. Take these : POPULARITY, MAJORITY, EXTENT OF RESPONSIBILITY, into consideration.
Cameron Coalition Gov 2010 - 2015 page 269
NOT CABINET Theresa May Home Secretary 2012 kept job despite confusion over deadlines for appeals against Abu Qatada's deportation to Jordan. (but few resignations though)
COALITION cabinet 5 lib dem ministers 2 in key cabinet, DEFO RETURN TO CABINET GOV, George Osborne Chancellor exchequer, Nick Clegg deputy PM, Danny Alexander. QUAD CONCEPT.
University tuition fees big matter within cabinet as lib dem manifesto promised not to out up, agreed to break their promise up to 9,000 a year.
Cameron 2015-16
Ian Duncan Smith (work and pension secretary) resigned when couldn't support cuts to both disability benefits and capitol gains tax and funding. March 2016.
Build up to Brexit referendum, Collective responsibility suspended in certain areas. Though wanted to remain, but allowed 6 cabinet ministers( including Gove, Patel) openly campaigned to leave without resignations. = Breaks convention of cabinet government so is dif type as an event.
Small majority
Theresa May
2017 Minority gov as she lost small majority gotten from cameron
Balance in her cabinet so representative of her party as cabinet is drawing on dif parts (BREXIT) gave Brexiteers big 3 jobs (brexit secretary, foreign secretary, trade secretary) yet she and phillip hammond, amber rudd, where remainers.
JULY 2018 after loosing majority BJ resigned from T.May cabinet over disagreement on Brexit (he was foreign secretary)
- David Davis same thing but before (BJ followed him 2 days later in protest) (brexit secretary) = resignations on appoint of principle, couldn’t agree = collective ministerial responsibility. = chequers cabinet.
Steven Barkley proposed brexit plans 2017 and then didnt vote on it. Michael Gove, deferal secretary, publicly criticised May brexit ideas and didnt resign. (no collective responsibility)
Remain divide disappears and all remain ministers resign had to be leaver otherwise had to resign (Dominic Reeves)
NOT CABINET GOV, Dominic Cummings used his SPAD his special advisor.
Sajid Javid resigned twice from gov February 202 as chancelor of exchequer because BJ wanted to replace advisors and July 2022 chancellor for health and safety because of non disciplined chief whip (check).
80 seat majority and popular in party across country, collective responsibility covid wise everyone is agreeing as they all signed up to it.
TRUSS did you discus with cabinet? No! 'Laura Goonsburg x Liz Truss
Majority of 43 and was not hugely popular at first. used Geofrrey Howe cabinet minister to pursue monetarist economic policies. Large majority in 1987. Sh had balanced cabinet of wets and drys from 83 until 87 (she is dependant on cabinet in these years). 83 Michael histletine and Leon britain resigned from csbinet as didnt agree with policies.
Thatcher asked if anyone did not support the government’s economic policy which was followed by an embarrassed silence. Relations became very strained around the time of the 1981 budget leading to a reshuffle in which Thatcher brought in more of her natural supporters, such as Nigel Lawson, Norman Tebbit and Cecil Parkinson, dismissing or marginalising some of the wets.
Most reports suggest that Thatcher had a presidential style, dominating her Cabinet and very much engaging in prime ministerial government rather than cabinet government. However the cabinet is the ultimate reason she stands down upon their advice. Hesltetine lost a leadership to her in 90 but her majority was not as high as expected meaning there had to be second round voting. Cabinet ministers persudaded her not to and she stepped down, she possibly made the mistake of seeing her ministers individually, as in group they may not have said out loud.
Spitting Image had a sketch where Thatcher was at dinner with her cabinet, ordered some meat and the waiter asked “what about the vegetables?” and she replied “they’ll have the same”.)
diaries (such as those of Robin Cook) and also from comments and speeches from those who left or were removed from the cabinet (such as Clare Short). These give the impression of Blair taking something of a presidential approach to cabinet, with short full-cabinet meetings generally rubber-stamping decisions that had been taken elsewhere (either in various bilateral meetings, cabinet committees or in what came to be described as “sofa government”: Blair’s meetings with close advisers and supporters outside the formal government structures).
COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY he called three of his own cabinet members "the three bastards" behind the scenes. JULY 1993. 1995 One day he went out and said 'Put up or Shut Up' he chose to call a leadership contest in his own leadership. Only one of the bastards stood, Michael Portillo should have stood as he was popular. John Redwood was the only one who stood and he was compared to dr Spoc character as he was not charismatic at all. Major won leadership comfortabley but was slaughtered by Blair landslide in 97.
Blair gov no defeats in first two terms, majority of 178 after 1997 election. 2005 election majority of 65.
comes through more clearly: "The real problem is one of a tiny majority. Don't overlook that. I could have all these clever, decisive things which people wanted me to do but I would have split the Conservative party into smithereens
Geofrey Howe resigned just before 1990, and made a speech deeply critical of thatcher people said he was 'savaged by a sheep'
he was PM from 1990-1992 and 1992 - 1997, conservstive party was in bit of turmoil, as kinnock was expecetd to win in 92. Europe became big debate as treaty was signed (Maastricht treaty) , he had poor majority after 92, as years go on his popularity goes down he is 'old and tired',
Black Wednesday 1992, value of pound crashed cliche of conservatives looking after economy ruined and damaged Major and party popularity. Tarnished. Series of Scandals 92 - 97 also tarnished views, sex scandals where some members of gov where found to be having affairs.
from 97 he did balance his cabinet, Robin Cook foreign secretary wants an 'ethical foreign policy', after 2001 he remained in cabinet but demoted to leader of house of commons, when Blair made decision to raid Iraq with America he resigned in protest. as well as Claire Short.
2001 he didnt balance his cabinet as much as he had strong majority and popularity. By the last period and middle there was growing rivalry between Brown (more cautious) and Blair (Blair wanted to shake up particular bodies like NHS and education), meaning MP's also leaned. Brown and his supporters became more assertive and Blar didn't pass as easy.
As soon as 2005 election had gone he was pressured to stand down, his party have grown tired of him as the Iraq wore and didnt like his privatising ideas in public services, his ego.By 2007 cabinet mnisters were saying its time to go.
Clearly very powerful because of his majority, popularity and collective responsibility had no problems.2001 still v powerful and majority but event of war undermines. Lib dems had their best ever result in 2005 due to labour supporters protesting.
Liz truss had her cabinet as loyalists