Contingency Plan

Weather Incident


Wildlife damaging equipment

Unable to reach Location

Damaged Equipment

Unavailable Equipment

High Probability

Low Probability

Low probability

We have ensured through the creation of the booking form that borrowed equipment is Insured/returned back in original condition

Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in the employee : compensating us for any damaged equipment.This compensation will be used to purchase new equipment

We have clear set out routes and trailers for anyone who wants to camp in this area (can't get back home)

Our trailers are set with all the equipment needed for an overnight stay e.g toilet ,spare toothbrush ,spare set of Pyjamas etc.We also have multiple routes to get to the location so its unlikely this will be the case.

High Probability

The Uk experiences heavy to mild rain so we are equipped with tents and covers if necessary.

In the case of extreme weather we will postpone the shoot our employees safety is of our utmost priority.However if the weather is slightly unpleasant we will still encourage photography and put up the tents.

Low Probability

Employees may feel sick and due to our short period time of filming we must reduce this as much as possible.We are trying to combat this by offering any sick employees to stay inside the allocated trailers.Staying close to work.

If any employees are sick we have replacements.We have Implemented job rotation so any skill set of the crew can be mimicked however this may influence the quality of the result as skilled jobs cannot be mimicked perfectly.For example any sick photographers or models will be the hardest replace as those jobs require the skill set of those individuals.

We have created the booking form which allows us to locate and communicate with whoever is in possession of the equipment

If equipment cannot be located we will use the booking form to trace whoever was last in contact with the equipment.All employees who borrow equipment are required to give their contact details e.g Phone number.The person will be told to return the equipment as soon as possible

Any wildlife in the area will be discouraged to come into contact with any equipment as we will be spraying peppermint oil on all wires and equipment

We have insured some of the major equipment so we will be compensated for any damages as a result of wildlife coming into contact with the equipment.