Constitutional Law
Vietnamese state structure
Rights and Obligations
National Assembly
- Highest representative body
- Highest state power
- Legislative body
Constitution: ≥ 2/3 deputies
Acts: > 1/2 deputies
Standing committee
- Permanent body of National assembly
- Executive body
- Highest administrative organs
National President
Head of state: represent
Vietnamese state
People's councils
- State power organs
- Local state power body
- Elected by local people
People's committees
- Executive body (local administrative organs)
Prime minister
Government cabinet
Supreme people's court
- Judical body: adjudicate ( two level of
adjudications: first instance and appellate)
Supreme people's prosecution
- Investigating courts' activities
- Procure criminals
People's court
People's prosecution
Vietnamese citizen
holding Vietnamese citizenship
Not infringe upon national’s interests and other’s lawful rights and interests
All people equal
Respect others’ rights
Fundamental rights
Fundamental obligations
Democracy and invidual freedoms
Economic, cultural and social
Freedom of follow any religion
Rights of access to information, assembly, association, demonstration
Presumption of innocence until the sentence of the court takes effect
Freedom of speech and press
Join in management
the state and state organs
Rights to education, gender equality, legal residence,...
Freedom to operate business
Rights to choose occupations, employment, workplaces
Be loyal to and defend the fatherland
Obey the constitution and law, pay taxes
Govern vital matters
State organs
Political, economic, social and cultural regimes
State power
State Power
Implement/enforce laws
Interpret, apply laws
Enact laws
National Assembly
Belongs to people
Comply with laws
State organ coordinate with and control each other in execution of state power
Organised democratically
Supreme law
Fundamental rules
Fundamental rights and obligations of citizens
Vote or stand for election
Complaints to state organs
Contribute opinions