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Stress , Biological Stressors, Your bodies reaction to stressful…
Causes of Stress?
-Can be caused by many different situations or events
-An individuals reaction to usually unpleasant situations
-Mainly caused by stressors
-A stressor is any situation that puts a demand on the body or mind
-Alarm stage
-Body and mind become alert
-Includes events brought on by the fight-or flight
-Person may experience headaches, stomachaches, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety
-Resistance stage
-If stress continues, your body becomes more resistant to disease and injury than normal
-You can cope with added stress but only for a limited time
-When activation in the first two stages continues over time
-Can cause breakdown in the balance with your body
-This is when diseases may begin
-Conditions or events in your physical environment
-May cause you physical stress
-E.g. pollution, poverty, noise, and natural disasters
-Some stressors can be biological
-Inherited from parents
-Makes it difficult for your body to take part in daily activities
-E.g. disabilities, illnesses, or injuries
-Types of mental challenges can also cause stress
-Overthinking or worrying about something important
-E.g. taking a test, thinking about something unpleasant
-Unhealthy behaviors can also lead to stress
-Consuming alcohol or drugs
-Not getting enough sleep can
-Major life changes
-Can be positive or negative
-Affects both mentally and physically
-E.g. someone dying, getting married, or facing trauma
-Your body is provided with the energy, reflexes, and strength you need to respond to the stressor
-Your body releases epinephrine(adrenaline)
-Breathing speeds up
-Heart beat quickens
-Muscles tense up
-Pupils get wider
-Blood sugar increases
-Can motivate you to do your best
-Positive stress can help you respond well in a stressful situation
-Positive stress that energizes one and helps one reach a goal is called eustress
-You may experience distress
-Distress is negative stress that can make a person sick or keep a person form reaching a goal
-Can keep you from doing your best