Space - One of the primariry difficulties of studying or working from is that many people dont have their own, private spaces to do so. This can cause many problems if people do not have a choice and have to work in their home environments. This issue also limits the inlusivity/diversity in who can work from home, meaning that often only those of high income and proffesions are able to succeed at working from home. These issues largely occur in urban areas (cities, towns) and disadvanteged areas where privledge is more starkly divided. This issue may be solved with an architectural approach: (as) by providing new spaces for anybody, suitable for as many people of diffrent lifestyles and proffesions as possible and would enable more people to work from home successfully, likely increasing potential for alternative job oppurtunities for many. this could be new buildings and free/open/community spaces, or space-saving solutions (using furniture and smiliar) or even just introducing ways for people to be able to better take advantage of what they already have to improve their spaces.