(ritani rizky psb )

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Definition of Adjustment disorder

Adjustment disorder describes a maladaptive emotional and/or behavioural response to an identifiable psychosocial stressor, The symptoms are characterised by stress responses that are out of step with socially or culturally expected reactions to the stressor and/or which cause marked distress and impairment in daily functioning. Unlike post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or acute stress disorder (ASD), which have clear criteria for what constitutes a traumatic event, adjustment disorder criteria does not specify any requirements for what can be regarded as a stressor.

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classifications adjustment disorder

with predominant disturbance of other emotions

with predominant distubance of conduct

mixed anxiety and depressive reaction

with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct

prolonged depressive reaction

with other specified predominant symptoms

brief depressive reaction

criteria diagnosis

Diagnosis depends on evaluating the relationship between:
a) form, content, and severity of symptoms
b) previous history and personality traits; and
c) "stressful" events, situations, or life crises.

The presence of the third factor above (c) must be clear and solid evidence that the disorder is would not have happened had it not been.

The manifestations of the disorder are varied, and include depressive, anxiety, mixed affect anxiety-depression, behavioral disorders, accompanied by a disability in activities daily routine. None of these symptoms are specific to support diagnosis.

Onset usually occurs within 1 month after the occurrence of a "stressful" event Symptoms usually do not last more than 6 months, except in the case of depressive reactions prolonged


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A 2018 review examined 29 treatment trials investigating current options for psychological and pharmacological intervention . They found that the quality of evidence in these studies was “low” to “very low” according to Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation guidelines. A key limitation to most of these studies was the lack of a measure of adjustment disorder, small sample sizes, and lack of follow-up assessments

clacification of person disorders

DD Adjustment disorder

-personality disorder, mixed anxiety depression, acute stress depresion.

“There is an ongoing debate about how best to define and identify personality disorder. The ICD-10 groups personality disorders with other mental disorders and defines them as: ‘a severe disturbance in the characterological condition and behavioral tendencies of the individual, usually involving several areas of the personality, and nearly always associated with considerable personal and social disruption’. The DSM-IV, which organizes psychiatric diagnoses into different levels (axes) relating to different aspects of disorder or disability, consider personality disorders on a separate axis (axis II: underlying pervasive or personality conditions) from major mental disorders (axis I).”


Adjustment disorders can sometimes turn into major depressive episodes in people at risk for mood disorders (for example, people with a genetic predisposition to mood disorders).Adjustment disorders can heal completely without causing complications. However, if adjustment disorders are not treated properly, this condition can lead to more serious mental problems such as anxiety disorders, depression, to substance abuse.


Avoiding Stressors

Changing or replacing stressors

Adapting to stressors

Able to accept stressors


With effective therapy, the prognosis is generally good. Most patients return to normal function within 3 months.

There is an adjustment disorder that lasts for a while and can heal on its own or after receiving therapy.Adolescents take longer to recover than adults. In a follow-up study after 5 years of therapy, 71% of adult patients recovered without residual symptoms, 21% developed major depressive disorder, or alcoholism.In adolescents, the prognosis is not good, because 43% suffer from Schizophrenic Disorder with schizoaffective disorder, major depression, substance abuse disorders, and personality disorders. The risk of suicide is quite high.