Sept/Oct 2022 SLT Developments & Actions





Staff Meeting 3.10.22
Discussed 'Intent' to begin to generate a shared understanding around this. LINK to slides HERE

Staff Induction Framework
Chris has started a proposal for this. LINK HERE

Engagement Policy

  • Lee has completed draft
  • Inclusion team are reviewing this

Curriculum Development & Design

Overarching School Aim
"To understand and apply the principles of curriculum design (intent, implementation and impact) to address changing educational needs"

Need to develop whole school curriculum maps.
Chris is designing templates for whole school overview.


Maths: CPA from Lindsey booked in.

Performance Management
New PM structure rolling out this term.
Using Perspective for recording this.

PM Teacher Organisation
Laura: Lee M, Emma, Robyn
Ais: Brett, Georgia, Caroline
Paul: Michelle, Julie, Gary
Chris: Dan, Claire, Nic O, [Ais,]
Kevin: Tracy, Sue, [Paul]
Lee: Becky, Chris, Laura, Kevin


Attitudes to learning
Suggestion to have common language to describe attitudes towards learning that we are looking for. This would be something we could report to parents on. LINK HERE

Communication with Home

CH Rolling out to Y9 and Seniors

Assessment, Recording & Reporting

Need to ensure this is done accurately and on time.
Data needs to be used to identify need for intervention at both ends of ability.

Reading and Writing moderations are planned.
Need to plan for wider moderation whole school and departments.

ARR Timetable
An ARR timetable for the year would be useful to share with staff what expectation and when so that nothing is a surprise.

Discussed last summer the need to revise end of year reports and ideally simplify and spread throughout year. Need to look at this asap if we are going to implement anything new.