In 1945, the U.S. administration requested Japan's surrender and released the Potsdam Declaration. Unfortunately, in reply, its prime minister used the phrase "mokusatsu." He intended to say, "No remark. We are currently deliberating it. Unfortunately, his statements were misunderstood. The nuclear bomb was launched on Hiroshima a few days after the phrase, which was translated as "We ignore with contempt," was said.
In contrast to the other two objects mentioned above, this item emphasises the uncertainty and ambiguity that arises when a language is translated. Instead of an incorrect or inaccurate translation in this case (relating to the context), the problem is the various interpretations and meanings that a phrase might have when translated. This object offers the chance to examine the language's ambiguity, which leads to differences in how information presenting while it also exposes the misinterpretation of truth including all aspects of the KC and KQ.