How can we distinguish between good and bad interpretations? Discuss with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge.

  1. Distinguish- Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.
  1. Good- Adjective- Having the required qualities; of a high standard.
  • what is good ?
  1. Bad- worthless; not valid
  1. Interpretations

A stylistic representation of a creative work or dramatic role.
"his unique interpretation of the Liszt études"

An explanation or way of explaining.
"this action is open to a number of interpretations"

  • what we interpret
  • the process, what they see
  • manuscript, document, language
  • need to verify and validate the input

  • ask questions to the PT

  • can tu apa
  • we tu siapa
  • kenapa nk tentukan / bandingkan good and bad
  1. Art is an area of knowledge which provides the opportunity for both good and bad interpretations.
  1. Arts is a required AOK for the question and is seen as a source to the realization of good and bad interpretations such as the Mona Lisa which was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503 and considered as an archetypal masterpiece of the Renaissance. Interestingly, the painting shows Lisa Gerardini as smiling due to the shadows cleverly placed by Leonardo but with close inspection Lisa is actually not smiling.
  1. History is an area of knowledge which opens up many possibilities for good and bad interpretations.
  1. The existence and finding of the ancient language which is Hieroglyphs has fostered interpretations of the translation which has a possibility to be wrong. Therefore it is considered invalid and thus a bad interpretation of explaining hieroglyphs as the meaning can be distorted.

good interpretation

  • have evidence that supports and interrelated to the interpretation.
  • support from other historians and experts
  • experience (which side are on)

good interpretation

  • similar with what artist intended (but how do we know what that artist intended)
  • majority's interpretation? (tak semestinya)
  • based on the work itself
  • kenapa that criteria jadikan dia good
  • kena guna "can" ha teka teka

bad i

Bad interpretation

  • interpretation without evidence (but is evidence really necessary? in interpreting art?)
  • maybe, there's no really a thing as bad interpretation in arts.
  • The Van Gogh Tragedy


WE - who are we ?
stressed ib students


sbb boleh jadi cannot ke ?

how can ?

  • if can, why and how
  • if cannot, why?


  • because we need to consider others' opinions too

we tu range dia besar mana , satu dunia ke

or is it just the experts?

experts only in that field?

or other experts pun boleh contribute ?