What do we consider a friendship to be?
How do we define friends?
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Best friends: The people that you are close together and feel that you are meant to be together
Close friends: People who are close to you and feel really connected with them
Activity friends: The friends that you meet in your everyday activities and like hanging out with them
Fake/ Toxic friends: Are the ones that pretend to be good friends and be really nice with you but behind your back are spreading the worse rumors for you and try to lead you to their traps.
Acquaintance friends: The people who talk to each other but don't know a lot about others' personal life
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What are the characteristics of a fake friend?
Where can one make an activity friend?
What is the depth of a close friendship?
What are the qualities of a best friend?
How to establish a relationship among acquaintance friends?
Social group friends: Friends that you socialize with but are not particularly close with them
What kind of topics can I discuss with these people?
Long lasting friends: The ones that you had a unique connection right from the beginning which lasts up to years
How to maintain a healthy relationship with a long-lasting friend?
A friendship is considered a relationship between two people who have established from time to time a respectful and honest relationship by showing sympathy and interest for their loved one's needs and opinion.
The qualities of a valuable companion are simple but crucial to be considered a friend or even a best friend. A best friend is trustworthy and genuine with one, without keeping secrets and talking behind one's back. They are sympathetic and always be by an entity's side whenever needed. Also a best friend's ''Must have'' is to be non-judgemental and a good listener.
If anyone keeps this kind of relationship with others they have the freedom to disscus about a veriaty of topics that include facts and information on something specific that both are productive and have a complete opinion to share and state. But overall the main key is to handle whatever one shares and try to avoid adding and sharing any personal information, so to keep it on level that suits just right on the relationship.
If anyone is willing to make an activity friend, there are plenty of places to find one. It's actually according to the everyday activities every person has daily and their environment of them. If any chance there is a person with whom one feels kind of connected, then they are free to make a move to get to know each other.
The characteristics of a fake friend or even a backstaber can be the absolute red flags to keep a distance from them but also easy to fall in their traps as the ''Hopeles victim'' who seemed pleased by their preety lies. First of all, they are most defined for their exquisite skills of continiously liying and making excuses to another person. Second of all, they have a passion for establishing a kind of envy whose purpose is to harm and criticise another behind there back, as well as using them to take what they want from them. Lastly have in mind that a person with this kind of approach and acts cant be considered as a real companion.
The steps to maintaining a healthy relationship with a long-lasting friend are obvious and basic. First of all and most essential
is to keep continuous contact with each other, especially if there is a long distance which separates you. And second of all, there must be included all the qualities of a valuable friendship in order to earn respect from each other, which is the main key in every relationship.
Depth is the absolute definition of a strong and close friendship, and to establish it there has to be a certain connection between two people which is tough to explain but it's a fact. It's just like love at first sight, which builds up that feeling that two entities are meant to be together and nothing can get in between them to ruin this magnificent relationship which has been established also by a substantial amount of obstacles so as to prove how strong it can be.
Establishing a relationship among acquaintance friends can happen by taking small steps time by time so to get to know each other better, compose an entire opinion for them, and also actually figure out if their personalities suit each other.
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