for the romans did in these cases what all wise princes should do. (wise prince -> politically wise, prudent) they have to have regard for present troubles, and for future ones. have to avoid these with all their industry because when one sees from afar, and they have to avoid the future ones, when one foresees from afar one can find a remedy for them, when you wait until they come close, the medicine is not in time because the disease has become incurable.
sometimes war is inevitable, it is only a case of if you delay, and give your opponents a chance to prepare, rather than striking early. if war is emerging on the horizon, do it early rather than late.
louis wanted to avoid war, but he couldn't see it wasn't a question of if but when. louis is anti-roman -> politically foolish. louis wanted to divorce his wife, the pope granted him the divorce as a quid pro quo to allow the pope to enter italy. a wise prince should never allow an independent power to share with you.