The feudal system is made up of 4 sections and is in the shape of a pyramid at the top is the kings and queens who are chosen by divine right (god) at birth. The the nobles and ladies they are usually part of the royal family (cousins, brothers, sisters, ect) if not part of the royal family then they are either very rich or part of the church, then there are the knights they fight in battles for the king and protect the city from attacking enemies, they also are sent to raid and steal items from other cities. If knights are brave in battle they would be gifted with land from the people who are in charge of them, lastly at the bottom of the system is the peasants (serfs) about 80% of people in this time were peasants. Serfs would do all the hard work around the village, it was almost slavery! but not quite because they were provided with food shelter and protection, many peasants died out in the fields.