Map of knowledge

What is "knowledge"?

awareness, understanding, or information that has been obtained by experience or study, and that is either in a person's mind or possessed by people generally

The term knowledge is derived from the Greek word gnosis, which denotes learning via experience or observation. The scientific method is a process for learning new things that involves gathering information, making observations, conducting experiments, and coming up with tested hypotheses.

How is knowledge organized in school?

Are there different knowledge traditions?

What is ‘The Unknown’?

What knowledge do we share?

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How can we get "knowledge"? What actions should we take?






4 ways of acquiring knowledge






Knowledge sharing is the action of exchanging knowledge among individuals, including friends, classmates, families, communities, and organizations.

use a method, process or technique

how to perform a task

how to solve a problem

An example of shared knowledge: gravity, first discovered by Isaac Newton. It started as a personal discovery or knowledge only known to Newton but has since become a universal principle.

things we do not know yet

Normally, schools will start by teaching some sort of basic knowledge such as multiplication in mathematics and students should not forget knowledge like this as it will be needed in the future for topics like basic algebra. Thus, new knowledge builds on previous knowledge and becomes increasingly complex and abstract.

things that have not been discovered yet

Many people will start off by learning the alphabet of their parent's mother tongue. This could differ based on where someone is from as not everyone starts learning the same language. Furthermore, different curriculums will teach other things first. For example, a second language may not be taught in a school until students get to secondary, however, some schools may start a second language for students as soon as students get to primary.

shared through language and culture