King Tut and the Great Pharaohs
TED-Egyptian book of the dead
Street view treks-giza
Ramses ll-ducksters
King tut-steve martin
British archaeologist
goes to the underworld
measure his heart
teaching about how to make a mommy
has to work after death
78 foot scroll
Atlas Obscura Egypt trip
I see a ship
The sand cat
There are ancient art
a cemetery
religious and burial
2780 BCE
20 years
limestone, pink granite, basalt, mud bricks, significance
Ramesses the Great
5,000 chariots were used in the Battle of Kadesh
historians think that Ramses
His son Merneptah became pharaoh after he died
had nearly 200 children during his long life
The Giza pyramid complex
drawing on the walls
some wear gold
weird dancing
some wear beds in their hair
they can sing
King tut movie
lots of gold
gilded wood
pics of mummoys
painted chest with hunting scenes
empty caskets