Required Skills for an Information Age 💁
Information Literacy ℹ
The final and most compelling reason for integrating technology into teaching and learning
Students needs to be equipped with the skills to learn to know by gathering information
Since the emergence of the internet, many processes involved in locating and communicating; information now involve some form of technology
Visual Literacy 👀
Technology Literacy 🖥
Soloman (1995)
"Technology for students is about economic competitiveness".
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
International Society for Technology in Education
Collaborated to develop educational technology for pre-service programs
Developed the National Educational Technology (NET) for K-12 students
Several states (e.g. North Carolina) are also establishing their ow required
technology skills for K-12 students.
This trend makes it essential that teacher both model and teach the use of technology-based
methods to their students
Johnson and Eisenberg (1996)
introduced the "Big Six"
task definition
location and access
information-seeking strategies
use of information
they are so important that they should receive special emphasis (Truett, 1996;
Roblyer, 1998).
subset of technology literacy
Christopherson (1997 & Roblver
Roblyer (1998)
reports on research that correlates visual literacy skills to higher score on
intelligence tests and to later success in more technical vocational areas
These reports create a powerful reason for teachers to integrate technology at early level into
students' communication methods.
They must utilize well-planned images when preparing instructional materials to capture the real
essence of what they like to convey to the learners.
emphasized the need for improved visual literacy skills so many people are heavily using
images on visual communications.