design on mechanical car

what materials do you need for the car??



nuts and bolts

the rubber could potentially be used for the wheels if your making your own wheels out of acrylic you will put on some type of rubber to create traction to move the car

in order to keep your materials secure you will need to have your nuts and bolts to keep them in the position you want them to stay and not fall out

to make your cachet piece it will be made out of metal or you will make the car out of the metal

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what tools will you use ??

coping saw

file & wd40

hand saw

pillar drill

drill or screwdriver

use the drill to either make holes or to tighten the nuts and bolts

screwdriver would be used for tightening and screw on the nuts and bolts

to keep your piece smooth and not have any bits of the material uneven and keep your project nice and smooth

to cut your piece at an angle

with this saw you are only allowed to cut your piece in a straight line

has the same affect as a saw but will be more even and alot quicker

but be careful with the pillar drill by 1 keeping your hands and fingers from the area of where your cutting 2put on googles to keep objects flying into your eyes

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What could I add to make it cool

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Add on actual lights to the front of the car

Add something inside the car like chairs, steering wheel

Add realistic features to the car

LED strips after am finished the main bit

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