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Psychopathology - Coggle Diagram
Psychotic Disorders
Males are more likely to be diagnosed due to more negative symptoms
50% use tobacco
20% will attempt suicide
Delusional Disorder
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum/Psychotic - Catatonia
Catatonia associated with other mental d/o
more than a month
3 months after the event
avoidance of related stimuli
heightened startled response
prevalence 3% - higher in first responders and victims of crime
more females than males
comorbidity with depression, anxiety, substance use
Acute Stress Disorder
depersonalization, guilt
within 1 month
Adjustment Disorder
break-up, job loss, etc.
Reactive Attachment Disorder
inhibited - does not connect with others
disinhibited - looking for affection from everyone
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Feeding/Eating Disorders
repeated persistent from non-food substances
eating paper, soap, hair, string
comorbid with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
Rumination Disorders
regurgitate recently swallowed food
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorders
before age of 7
food avoidance and nutrition deficiencies
Anorexia Nervosa
Fear of gaining weight. Severely restrict
low BMI
distorted perception of body weight/shape
depressed mood, social withdrawal, insomnia, low sex drive, loss of bone marrow density, amenhorrhea
1) restricting type 2) Binge-eating/purging type (low BMI)
comorbid with depressive and anxiety disorder, bipolar
female to male 10:1
6x increase in mortality
Bulimia Nervosa
binge-eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors
one episode, once a week for 3 months
negative evaluation of self
normal to over-weight
lack of control
1-1.5% prevalence. female:male=10:1
comorbid with depressive and mood disturbances, substance use (stimulants)
Binge-Eating Disorder
eating until uncomfortably full
larger than "normal", occurs in a discrete time period (within one meal), one episode per week for at least 3 months
DSM - 5
greater emphasis on objective symptoms
abandonment of axial system
what percent of the population has the disorder in a 12 month period = prevalence
comorbidity; eating disorder with depression
categories of disorders
Personality Disorders
Cluster A
socially detached, reduced range of emotional expression
eccentric, discomfort in social relationships, perceptual/cognitive distortions
Cluster B
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Disregards/disrespects the rights of others
Borderline Personality Disorder
unstable relationships and self-image, and impulsive
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
grandiose, need for admiration, lacks empathy
Histrionic Personality Disorder
excessively emotional and attention seeking
Cluster C
Avoidant Personality Disorder
social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, sensitive to evaluation
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, control
Dependent Personality Disorder
overly submissive, clingy. Needs to be taken care of
Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Group 1
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
ever-present, wide range of situations of continuous worry or nervousness
irritability, sleep disturbance, trouble concentrating, fatigue
prevalence: .9% adolescence, 2.9% in adults
slightly more common in women
in males, more likely to be comorbid with substance use disorders
Social Anxiety Disorder
fear of situations with threat of scrutiny or evaluation or anticipation
association with substance use as coping
7% in US
onset 8-15
Specific Phobia
irrational fear of a specific object
panic reaction
7-9 % of population
2x more likely in women
highest for ages 13-16
5% in children, 3-15% in adults
agora - market place/ public square
fear of situations difficult to escape of receive help
comorbid with panic disorder
prevalence 1.7%, 2x more women
onset is late adolescence - early adulthood
Separation Anxiety Disorder
persistent fear when separated from home or loved ones
developmentally inappropriate
lasts for 4 weeks in children and 6 months in adults
impairment in social, academic, and occupational functioning
prevalence: 4% infants, 1.6% adolescents, .9-1.9% adults
Panic Disorder
Panic Attack (sudden/intense fear)
2x more likely in women
prevalence: 2-3%
Group 2
Anxiety Disorder Due to Other Medical Condition
Substance / Medication Induced Anxiety Disorder
Selective Mutism
Other Specified Anxiety Disorder
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Group 1
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
obsession - recurrent, unwanted, intrusive thoughts
Compulsions - repetitive behaviors
thoughts relating to contamination, fears about harming others, thoughts related for the need for symmetry and balance
prevalence: 2%
comorbid with depression
25% of males have onset before age 10. In adulthood females are slightly more commonly affected
comorbid with tic disorders in males
higher suicide risk
often have insight but feel lack of control
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
preoccupation with perceived flaws or defects in physical appearance - often not noticeable to others
symptoms: intrusive thoughts, repetitive bx (looking in the mirror, grooming, reassurance seeking), distorted thoughts
prevalence: 2.4%, slightly more in women
7-8% individuals who go through cosmetic surgery experience body dysmorphia
comorbid with major depressive disorder
Hoarding Disorder
difficulty parting with personal possessions
Not due to obsessive thoughts, brain injury, autism, or decreased energy
impairs social and occupationally
unsafe living environment
80-90% excessive acquisition, animal hoarding
prevalence 2-6%, 3x more common ages from 55-94
comorbid with mood disorder
Skin Picking Disorder
Group 2
OCD due to medical condition
Substance / Medication Induced OCD
Other Specified OCD + Related
Unspecified OCD + Related
Mood Disorders
Bipolar-Related Disorders
Bipolar I
presence of one manic episode
manic episode is 7+ days for most of the day
presence of depressive episode
high risk of suicide. 25% percent of completed suicide are people with Bipolar I
age of onset: 18
prevalence: .6%. male:female= 1.1:1
Bipolar II
presence of hypomanic episode
hypomanic lasts 4 days
onset mid 20s
1/3 attempt suicide
hypomanic and depressive disorders are less severe
Substance/Medication Induced Bipolar + Related
Bipolar + Related Due to Medical Condition
Other Specified Bipolar + Related
Unspecified Bipolar + Related
Depressive Disorders
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
depressive episode last two weeks
anhedonia, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, terminal insomnia, hypersomnia, psychomotor retardation, thoughts of worthlessness, suicicdal thoughts, rumination
prevalence 7%. More prevalence in younger and women
women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are likely to complete suicide
peripartum/seasonal - role of hormones
Persistent Depressive Disorder
at least two year, but less severe in intensity.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorder Due to Medical Condition
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Other Specified Depressive Disorder