s: people have a right to form their opinions about other people, and there's nothing you can do about it. the many, even if they have an immoral view of you, those who know you, me, us, will understand. they won't think bad of you at all. and those are the people whose onions you should worry about
those whose opinions are worth respecting, and those whose opinions are not worth respecting. the many vs the few.
c: if you refuse to come with me you are guilty of injustice of ignoble action and character because you are showing yourself to be cowardly, you are a fool if you don't take this opportunity that is in front of you and easy to seize. not to escape means violating all of your moral and prudential criteria.
using your enemies to kill yourself. if suicide is unjust then you are unjust. unjust because you are going to leave your children without a father. you took on obligations which are obligations of justice of a parent to a child. you're showing how cowardly you are and letting fear guide you. you can save yourself, life is worth saving, you're a fool if you don't escape
s: decision making has been based upon reasoning, think through, deliberate, then arrive at a decision.
if i say that this (to keep silent, stop living philosophic life) is to disobey the god, and it is impossible to keep quiet, he will not be persuaded by me that i'm not being serious. if i say that this even happens to be a great good for a human being to make speeches every day about virtue and examining both myself and others and the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.
life a such has not worth, a certain way of life is what makes life worth living, if you can't live that kind of life, life is not worth living.