WWI Events Timeline
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French Revolution
Congress of Vienna
Revolutions of 1848
The French Revolution of 1789 was a period of time in France of political and societal change(like monarchies vs nationalist groups). Because of the change, there were both people who liked these changes and people who do not like these changes, which could cause war in the country due to a difference in opinions.
This is a form of Nationalism because of people wanting to have the freedom to express themselves, explaining the change during the time.
This would be seen as liberalism in the way that it is changing the old traditions of the country, the opposite of conservatism
Austro-Prussian War
Franco-Prussian War
Unification of Germany
Alliances (1872/1879/1882/1887)
Bulgarian Crisis
Removal of Bismarck
Franco-Russian Military Alliance
Start of Weltpolitik
Anglo-Japanese Treaty
Serbian-Russian Alliance
Entente Cordiale
Moroccan Crisis #1
Anglo-Russian Relations
Bosnian Crisis
Moroccan Crisis #2
Balkan League Creation
First Balkan War
Second Balkan War
Assassination of Archduke
Blank Cheque
A-H Ultimatum to Serbia
Russian Mobilization
Implementation of Schlieffen Plam
Belgium Invasion
The Schlieffen Plan was an idea to have a fast attack in 1914 on France, then Russia. This plan showed militarism in order to attack the countries, plans were made and soldiers were deployed. The way this could increase war was that the attack would then be retaliated by the other countries that got attacked.
This shows liberalism because Germany attacked the other countries for its own power and benefit.
The Congress of Vienna of 1814 was a pact that agreed to keep Europe safe together, which can be seen as an Alliance System. This event makes war more likely because the countries that are in the "pact" will be wanting to preserve the monarch beliefs their countries hold, while other countries may not agree.
This would be seen as conservatism because of how the countries of Prussia, Austria, and Britain were all monarch led governments and want to preserve these traditions.
The Revolutions of 1848 was a Nationalist event, since it focused on the rebellions against European monarchies at the time to overthrow the current powers.
This would be viewed as liberalism because of the wanting of change in the European countries at the time and individual rights.
The Austro-Prussian War of 1866 was between Austria and Prussia. The Prussians won this war, which forced Austrians out of Germany because they were fighting for German ruling, which was imperialism. This made war more likely due to the Austrians losing Germany (land/resources), so they may retaliate for Germany back.
This represents liberalism because of how the country of Prussia wanted Germany, and was willing to fight Austria for control/imperialism over Germany.
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 was between the French empire at the time and Prussia. It was however because of Bismarck changing a letter from a different country(Prussia) and pretending he is from Prussia about the debate over the new king. His plan worked and got the French and Prussians fighting. This could increase war because how it is a war over the Spanish throne, and this demonstrates imperialism for the fight of Spain.
The Unification of Germany created tension between European powers. The unification of Germany was a period of time where Germany became stronger such as industrial strength and military, making it militarism.
This is seen as liberalism because of the improvements of the country and the power they will hold because of the improvements.
The League of Three Emperors was made between Germany, Russia, and Austria Hungary in 1872 as an alliance. This was seen as an Alliance System in order to have Austria-Hungary and Russia at peace. This makes war more likely because of how these countries now have an alliance of power, which means they basically can do whatever whenever.
This is seen as conservatism because of wanting to preserve peace in Europe at the time between the countries.
The Dual Alliance of 1879 between Germany and Austria-Hungary is an Alliance System because of the mutual help they would give incase of war in Russia. This makes war more likely because the alliance has a plan now incase of Russia attacking.
This is conservatism because they want to preserve their own countries/avoid imperialism.
The Triple Alliance is just an add on of the Dual Alliance, so it can be seen as an Alliance System and also this shows Bismarck and his method of power. This makes war more likely because of the plan of Russia attacking is now stronger.
This can be seen as conservatism as the way they want to make an alliance in order to avoid war.
The Reinsurance Treaty of 1887 was between Germany and Russia for neutrality incase of a Russian attack on Austria-Hungary, an Alliance System. This makes war more likely because of how there is support between the 2 countries and the power they can hold.
This is liberalism because they want power and Russia will attack countries in order to have this.
The Bulgarian Crisis of 1876 was formed due to nationalism and the want for its own government, being of course nationalism. This makes war more likely due to the differing beliefs and the balance of power being disturbed between countries involved.
This is liberalism because of the groups wanting their own type of ruling, not the government.
The Removal of Bismarck occurred in 1890 after he argued with Emperor William II. This is an example of Militarism because of the differing plans now that Bismarck is gone.
This is liberalism because they wanted to remove Bismarck and how when he was in power, the decisions he made was only doing it for himself
The Alliance in 1894 was an agreement to support each other (France and Russia) incase anything like war occurs. This shows militarism to the buildup of new power and the new support military wise. This can increase war due to now having a plan and now more power between the 2 countries.
This shows conservatism because the 2 countries wanted to preserve the power they currently had and keep everything how it was, the reason they formed the agreement.
Weltpolitik was a way of Germany to achieve more power in 1897 by expanding its navy, being militarism. This increased war by the way Germany wanted to expand, which could mean taking over other countries.
This. could be liberalism in the way that Germany wanted more/new power, wanting to expand itself at any cost.
This was a treaty made in 1902 between Britain and Japan. This was an Alliance System because of how they both signed in order to rely on each other for events that could have happened during the time. The way this increased war was because later once Japan gained an unexpected victory, the country was encouraged to go to war with Russia.
This shows liberalism because it encouraged Japan to attack other countries for power.
The Serbian-Russian alliance
Entente Cordiale was an agreement between Britain and France in 1904 in order to address the colonial differences of Anglo-French in Africa and Asia. This shows imperialism because of the way the agreement was about imperialism on the countries of Africa and Asia.
This shows liberalism because of Britain and France taking over parts of Africa and Asia for their own strategical advantage for resources.
The First Moroccan Crisis of 1905 was about Imperialism due to it being about Morocco/control over the country. The way this could make war more likely would be due to different countries fighting over control over Morocco.
This shows liberalism because of imperialism over a country and countries fighting for their own advantage to do what they want with the country/land.
The Anglo-Russian relations of 1907 was made to discuss countries of mutual interest such as Persia, Afghanistan, and China which showed Imperialism. The way this could increase war was by imperialism that may occur, with the country being imperialized and the one doing the imperialism.
This shows liberalism because of the imperialism of other countries to gain its resources/land.
The Bosnian Crisis of 1908 was the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary, spreading anger during annexation too. This was showing imperialism due to Bosnia-Herzegovina being imperialized.
This shows liberalism because of Austria-Hungary imperializing the country for their own benefit.
The Second Moroccan Crisis of 1911 happened due to the deployment of French troops in Fez for a revolt, showing militarism. This increased war due to the resistance to the French troops stationed in there at the time.
This shows conservatism in order to preserve the country and not allow the French troops.
The Balkan League was created in 1912 with the countries of Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro after Serbian diplomatic activity(alliance system), also in a way protect the Balkans. This in a way would increase war would be by protecting the Balkans from countries that may want to invade, such as war.
This showed conservatism because of the protection they wanted over the Balkans during the time(from the Turks).
The First Balkan War of 1912 was when the Balkan League declared war on Turkey. This resulted in a victory and pushed Turks out of most European territory, in a way showing an Alliance System to win against Turkey. This would increase war due to the fight over the European territories.
This represented liberalism in order to push out Turkish forces in order to protect European territories.
The Second Balkan War of 1913 happened when Bulgaria attacked Serbia. Bulgaria was forced to sign the treaty of Bucharest which gave Serbia a large part of Macedonia, showing imperialism. This increased war by other countries like Greece, Romania, and Turkey all declaring war on Bulgaria too.
This shows liberalism due to Bulgaria wanting to fight for its own individual rights and power for the country.
The Assassination of Archduke occurred in 1914 when Archduke Franz Ferdinand went to Sarajevo, Bosnia. He ignored the mentions of Sarajevo being dangerous and therefore was killed. This made war more likely due to someone in the Austrian royal family getting murdered, so Austria will of course go to Bosnia and start a war for his murder. This can be seen as nationalism due to the murderer being part of a nationalist group who wanted to overthrow Austrian royalty.
The Blank Cheque of 1914 was between the Austrians and Germans concerning the assassination that happened recently during that time, to allow Austrians to take down Serbia with the help of Germany. This show an alliance system in a way to form an alliance with each other to take down Serbia after the assassination.
This can be seen as conservatism due to Austria wanting to fight back for the assassination and preserve the monarchy, basically not letting Serbia get off easy with the murder.
The Austria-Hungary Ultimatum to Serbia of 1914 followed after the death of the Archduke. The ultimatum was claiming that Serbia was responsible for the death and there were also demands for Serbia about terrorist activities. This would increase war by Austria-Hungary and Serbia not reaching an agreement, getting mad at each other and fighting each other. This event shows militarism due to the war that was declared and mobilization of troops occurring.
This shows conservatism because of how Austria wanted to preserve its monarchy, so they were willing to fight Serbia to preserve its monarchy.
Russian Mobilization took place in 1914 in response of the ultimatum and the conflict between Austria and Serbia. They saw this as a way to prevent anything bad happening by deploying Russian troops. This showed militarism in support of Serbia and deploying its troops. Because of the deployment of troops, this increased war by Serbia now having Russia being able to fight in a war against Austria since Austria wanted to declare war too.
This shows liberalism because of being able to defend the country of Serbia from Austria, and its rights.
The Belgium Invasion of 1914 happened after Germany gave an ultimatum to Belgium for safe passage to France to attack, but was denied. Germany then decided to forcefully make their way by attacking Belgium. This showed militarism because Germany declare war and needed military to achieve their goal.
This shows liberalism due to Germany wanting to have power and forcing ultimatums and then using their military as a backup plan.
This shows liberalism because of the 2 countries fighting for Spain for their own benefit and also could imperialize the country too.