Method in English Language Teaching
Audio lingual Method
Direct Method Natural Approach
Direct Method
Grammar Translation Method
Skills are sequence: LSRW
Vocabulary ( limited) in initial stage
Pronunciation is stressed from beginning
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Lessons begin with dialogue and anecdotes
No use of Mother Tongue
Action and picture are used to make meaning clear
Teacher must be a native speaker or have native like proficiency in the target language.
Goal= Communication
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literally texts (pleasure)
intricates of grammar
List of isolated words
Teacher Authority
The teacher doesn't have to be speak the target language
Language Teaching Methadologies
Structural Approach
Functional Method
Interactive Method
Reading Approach
objective= reading comprehension
only grammar useful for reading comprehension
Silent Way
Teaching should be subordinated to learning
Language = inductively
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Gestures, mime, visual aids, wall charts
Teacher present a script two timers over two days (music)
First day=choral ready with songs and games
elaborate on the script tell an anecdote story