Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 Steel Ball Run Review

The Introducion


My Objective

1st sentence introduces the film and the director; state your overall opinion of the movie

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 Steel Ball Run is Hirohiko Araki’s best and finest work yet.


My Objective

2nd and 3rd sentences provide information on the length and rating of the movie; write about each in a separate sentence; include your opinion about both of these points.

The manga is 24 volumes and 96 chapters long, and the story uses its length skillfully to craft the narrative with phenomenal pacing.


My Objective

4th and 5th sentences express a specific reason why you dis/liked the film – use a theme found in the film: everyone uses stereotypes, stereotypes are dangerous, stereotypes lead to racism, racism is caused by ignorance (not understanding), anyone can be racist.

One of the best aspects of the manga is its artwork, which is detailed, and expressive and helps to enhance the narative itself.

First Body Paragraph


My Objective

1st (topic) sentence introduces the point of the paragraph; introduce the idea of the characters’ acting and whether you thought their performances were believable.

The writing on the characters is the finest yet in the series with depth and great interactions.


My Objective

2nd sentence introduces the names of two of your favorite or least favorite actors and the names of their characters

Thus, with this great writing comes well-developed characters such as Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar.


My Objective

3rd and 4th sentences expand on one character’s performance, giving specific examples from the scene about what was non/believable. Remember to focus on the character’s actions, reactions, speech, body language or movements.

One of Gyro's strong characterizations is present in the "A Man's World" story arc, in which Gyro's growth is visible by his strategies in the fight and by his motivation.


My Objective

5th and 6th sentences expand on the second character’s performance, giving specific examples from the scene about what was non/believable. Remember to focus on the character’s actions, reactions, speech, body language or movements.

Johnny as the main character has many amazing moments, and the "Civil War" story arc has one of the most memorable.


My Objective

Concluding Sentence re-states your opinion of the characters’ acting and how it contributed to your dis/liking the movie.

These were only small examples from these two characters, who happened to elevate the story even further.

Second Body Paragraph


My Objective

1st (topic) sentence introduces the point of the paragraph; introduce what you believe to be the best/worst storyline in the movie.

Even though the best storyline happens to appear at the climax there is another great contender for the best, which is the "Wrecking Ball" story arc.


My Objective

2nd sentence introduces the names of the actors involved with the storyline and the names of their characters’.

Gyro, Johnny, Magent and Wekapipo are all involved with this story arc.


My objective

3rd and 4th sentences expand on one reason why you dis/like the particular storyline, giving specific details of the plot of the story. Remember to focus on the plot twists, unexpected events, or emotional moments that stood out to you

The best aspect of the story arc is the conflict between Gyro and Wekapipo, when it comes to their abilities surprisingly they have similarities.


My Objective

5th and 6th sentences expand on a second reason why you dis/like the particular storyline, giving specific details of the plot of the story. Remember to focus on the plot twists, unexpected events, or emotional moments that stood out to you

Furthermore, this fight adds to Gyro's character development.


My Objective

Concluding Sentence re-states your opinion of the storyline and how it contributed to your dis/liking the movie.

The "Wrecking Ball" arc expands the world of Part 7, gives a fantastic fight, and develops Gyro's character even furthermore.

Third Body Paragraph


My Objective

1st (topic) sentence introduces the point of the paragraph; introduce how you believe suspense is created in the movie (use the ideas of costume, lighting, music).


My Objective

2nd sentence introduces the first idea.

The manga creates suspense through the unique fight scenes and wildly different abilities.

This is no surprise if you have read the previous parts. I mean there is a character who is a British cowboy who also can turn into a dinosaur.


My Objective

3rd and 4th sentences expand on one reason why you dis/like the particular storyline, giving specific details of the plot of the story. Remember to focus on the plot twists, unexpected events, or emotional moments that stood out to you

Araki was always great about creating suspense in his fights since a fight is usually spilt up into two halves.


My Objective

5th and 6th sentences expand on a second reason why you dis/like the particular storyline, giving specific details of the plot of the story. Remember to focus on the plot twists, unexpected events, or emotional moments that stood out to you

Overall without getting into more details and spoiling the whole manga, this is a fantastic addition to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series.


My Objective

Concluding Sentence re-states your opinion of the storyline and how it contributed to your dis/liking the movie.

If you have liked the previous parts, then this is a must-read.

The overwhelming majority of the readers rated the manga 10/10, which is understandable when the enjoyment level of the narrative is so high.

In addition to the artwork, the prominent theme of growth enhances the characters and adds depth to their writing.

In addition, before Gyro enters the fight he has a vision of his Father, who advises to Gyro not to fight.

Johnny as a morally ambiguous character accepts his sins to move fowared in his quest.

The Summary of the story

In the American Old West, the world's greatest race is about to begin. Thousands line up in San Diego to travel over six thousand kilometers for a chance to win the grand prize of fifty million dollars. With the era of the horse reaching its end, contestants are allowed to use any kind of vehicle they wish. Competitors will have to endure grueling conditions, traveling up to a hundred kilometers a day through uncharted wastelands. The Steel Ball Run is truly a one-of-a-kind event.

In response, Gyro's determination to win the race is shown by his strong monologue and his determaned positions drawn by Araki.

This aspect not just creates great fight choreography also Wekapipo contributes to Worldbuilding.

The flashbacks reminds Gyro of the uncertainty of life, notably the possibility of both failing and succeding.

The first half is to figure out the complex ability of the enemy. The second half is to come up with a strategy to defeat the enemy.

It has a new unique world with fantastic action, characters, and a narrative.