country of origin
brand image
key products
target market
sorts of advertising campaign
current slogans
problems of internationalization
Taste varies from country to country
"To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time."
The Starbucks Siren and its iconic green is synonymous with its quality coffee beverages and relaxing coffeehouse experience
Frappuccino beverages
traditions and culture in different countries
in 1971
Merchandise (mugs, instant coffee, etc.)
Starbucks supply chain issues (costs, strikes)
Charity Campaign
Jumping on the trend
seasonal products, such as, hot beverages, coffee-related machines, teas, non-food products, mugs.
competition from other brands
Starbucks gave their customers the chance to win free coffee for a year in exchange for their “How We Met” story
Taylor's Latte
Leaf Rakers Society
middle to upper-class men and women
along the cobblestone streets of Seattle's historic Pike Place Market
focuses on creating the perfect “third place”. That place between work and home that is inviting enough to visit daily as part of your routine.