Non-Executive Directors (NED's)


Scrutinize the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and objectives

Monitor the reporting of performance

Make sure of the integrity of financial information

make sure financial controls and risk management systems are robust and defensible

Determine appropriate levels of remuneration for executive directors

Prime role in appointing and removing executive directors

Prime role in succession planning

The board should include a balance of NEDs and executive directors

Half of the NED's must be independent exclusive of the chair

1 NED should be the Senior Independent Director who is directly available to deal with concerns that cannot of should not be dealt with by the chair, CEO or finance director.



Contribute to the development of strategy

NED's have the right and responsibility to contribute to strategic success, challenging strategy and offering advice


Review the performance of management in meeting objectives

NEDs are required to hold executive colleagues accountable for decisions made and results obtained. They should meet without the chair at least annually to evaluate their performance


Make sure financial systems are accurate and risk management robust

NEDs make sure the company has adequate internal controls and risk management in place


Decide remuneration of board and ensure appropriate succession planning

NEDs oversee a range of responsibilities in appointment and remuneration of board and will be involved in contractual and disciplinary issues.


Build recognition by executives of contribution in order to promote openness and trust

Be well informed on company and its external environment

Have strong command of issues relevant to the business

Insist on a comprehensive, formal and tailored induction

Continually develop and refresh skills and knowledge to ensure contribution remains informed and relevant

Ensure information is available well in advance to enable though consideration of issues

Insist that information in sufficient, accurate, clear and timely

Uphold the highest ethical standards of integrity and probity

Question intelligently, debate constructively, challenge rigorously and decide dispassionately

Promote the highest standards of corporate governance and seek compliance with Combined Code wherever possible


Provide a detached and objective view of board decsions

Provide expertise and communicate effectively

Provide shareholders with an independent voice on the board

Provide confidence in corporate governance

Reduce accusations of self-interest behavior of the executives

Threats to independence

Material business relationship within last 3 years

Employee in last 5 years

Cross directorship in other companies

receive remuneration other than directors fee

Close family ties with director

Significant shareholder

Served on board for more than 9 years