In the morning, Telemachus leaves Eumaus’s hut and travels back to the castle. When Telemachus leaves home he is greeted warmly by Penelope. She asks him if he learned anything about Odysseus on his journey. Telemachus tells her what Menelaus told him. While this is happening, Odysseus and Eumaus leave the hut and travel through town towards the castle. While they are traveling through, they meetMelanthius who insults and kicks Odysseus who is still disguised as a beggar. Odysseus is very angry and wants to kill the man with his walking stick but he refrains from hurting him. When Odysseus reaches the castle, Eumaus leaves and Odysseus goes in to beg among the suitors. His plan is to see which ones are generous, even though he plans to kill all of them anyway. All of the suitors except Antinous put food scraps into Odysseus’s bag. Odysseus insults Antinous, saying that even though he is eating someone else's food he will still not share any of it. This makes Antinous very angry and he hurles a chair at Odysseus. The other suitors reprimand Antinous for throwing the chair, saying that the gods sometimes turn into beggars and ask for food from mourtals to see if they are generous. After this, Odysseus moves out of the reach of the suitors. Penelope learns of the beggar and his news and asks to see him. Odysseus declines because he thinks that the suitors would be angry if they saw him heading towards the queen's room.