Value Proposition Canvas

Gain creators: what would help customers achieve their gains, make it easier to adopt a new solution, and what would make your products or services outperform what your customers currently use?

Pains: the things that get in the way of a customer completing their job – the reasons the customer is looking for a new solution.

Gains: all of the positive effects that the customer want to ‘gain’ from completing their jobs or from using a product or service, including their larger ambitions and desires.

Products and services: all of the products and services that help your customers get their jobs done (both your own products and services and your competitors’!)

Pain relievers: what would help customers avoid or get rid of their pains and problems, fix under-performing solutions, or reduce the influences that prevent a new solution from being adopted (feelings like fear, habits, or other barriers)?

Jobs to be done: their goals – including the customer’s functional, emotional, social and supporting ‘jobs’.

Customer Profile:

Our Products Value Proposition

Framework used to test if we successfully address our customers needs with our solution

Family member aged 40, who has a job, and where somebody just died



Collaborating - not being left alone

Tranparency in terms of options & prices



Plan ahead

Organize funeral

Handle grief

Handle legacy/accounts/boet

A funeral should be a "worthy" goodbye

Finance funeral

Saying a last goodbye, grieving in community



Doubt that the funeral was nice/good enough

There is not enough time to grief properly

Most do not plan ahead

There is no transparency in terms of options/prices

it is a hassle/challenge to visit a funeral home ahead of death




Being in control

Managing(overcoming grief in the best way

Continuing to "function", though in grief

Many experience a lack in performance

Third party solutions that we offer

Optional /tbd

Can we offer an "antidote to the terror of the night?"

our product

Can we offer an online family tree with profiles?

Could grandchildren "chat" with their grandparents?

Memorial site

Make an official testament

Conflict management support?

Close accounts

Prepay your funeral

Write testament online

Make plans for healthcare

Inventory management app for dividing stuff?


Invite for funeral

Find a funeral home / read reviews

Safeguard your digital legacy

Leave goodbye messages

Scan and store documents

Library & Community access

Share your bucket list


Personal care manager

Wish documentor (not legally approved, for practical things)

Funeral Wish documentor

Funeral option search machine & price evaluator / with Sust. rating


Collaboration tool

Inspiration tool

Giving everyone a good experience

Having planned ahead of time

Having financed ahead of time

Being taken by the hand

Digital access & digital documentation

Having somebody to talk to 🚩

End to end service 🚩

Avoiding sales pressure

Gaining control back

Having more options / feeling of having taken an informed decision

One solution for all pains/gains on demand

One management solution for all problems

Food boxes for people in crisis

Making a hell of a lot decisions & choices

Being "free" to move on


Not jeopardizing familiy/

Fear of conflict in closest circle

Fear of asking for help /delegating tasks

Fear of making the wrong choices

Being prepared

Making it easier for those left behind to overcome grief/handle all affairs - "my leaving should not cause pain/ a burden/be cause for conflict"

Digital vault?

Estate manegement?

Lawyer/Legal advise?

Order a death duoler

Grief message organiser (when & where & how)

Send flowers

Online/virtual funerals