A review of Git branching strategies
Why you need a branching strategy?
Enhance developer productivity by ensuring proper coordination
Ensure parallel development
Organize a series of planned, structured releases
Establish a clear path for software changes through production
Ensure that developers are able to fix bugs quickly and get them back into production without disrupting their workflow
Github Flow
Gitlab Flow
Trunk-based development
Everyone is working on the trunk (or master) directly
✅ avoid merge conflicts
Using short-lived branches - every day merge to master
✅ Continues integration is possible
✅ developers are able to see what other developers are doing without rebase or merges
❌ unstable master branch
The main or master branch is created firstly
Developers create feature branches which are merged back into the main/master branch and then they are deleted
The development branch is used to integrate the team's work - features are merged there
An alternative to Github flow which support deployments on more than one environments
One branch per environment - deploy by merging code there
✅ Proper isolation between environments
✅ Different versions of software in different environments
The main/master can be used as stage environment