Ancient Civilizations


Location: The author wrote that "Most of ancient Mesopotamia lay within the borders of modern Iraq." Also, Mesopatamia included portians of the countrys of Turkey, Syria, and Iran. (Steele 6) image

Writing: The author wrote "The Mesopotamians marked their property with small cylinder seals, which were generally made of stone but sometimes of metal, wood, or ivory." Also the writing was invented by accountants. (Steele 12-13) image

Architecture A lasting symbol of ancient Mesopotamia is the Ziggurat, a massive terraced platform made of brick." Also Ziggurats were thought to be earthly dwelling places of the gods. (Steele 24) image

Religion The author wrote "They believed that the stars traveling across the night sky were the cows of sin or Nanna, the horned Moon god. Enki, the god of water and wisdom, was thought to live in an underground ocean called Apsu. Enlil was the father of the other gods. Ninhursag, Nintu, and Nammu were all fertility goddesses, and Inanna was the goddess of love and war." Later Mesopotamian people adapted to Sumerian gods even giving new names to them. (Steele 14) image

Government: The author wrote "City state rulers were honored with various titles such as lord, governor, and king" Also rulers like Gilgamesh became legendary because of myths that did not even happen. (Steele 10) image

Art: The author wrote "They were molding clay into simple pots by the eighth millennium BCE. Some time before 3500 BCE they invented the potter's wheel, which made pottery production far more efficient." Vessels were shaped by expert potters on the rotating wheel. (Steele 28) image

Ancient Egypt

Location: On page 8 it said that "the ancient Egyptians lived on a strip of land on either side of the Nile." Also the text states that in the "Red land," small settlements are supported in wadis and oases, but most people live along the Nile River. (Hart 8-9) image

Writing: On page 34 it says "Scribes had to be experts in writing hieroglyphs, an elaborate form of picture writing with about 700 different signs. Also, hieroglyphics were used on state monuments, temples, tombs and religious papyri.
(Hart 34) image

Architecture: The author wrote on page 20 "The first Pyramid was built as a burial place of King Djoser." They were built as a stair step for the kings to go up and join the sun god in the sky.(George Hart 20) image

Religion: The author said on page 24 "The Egyptians worshipped hundreds of different gods and goddess. Also, many gods were represented by animals. (George Hart 24) image )

Government: The author states "The king is not only the most powerful and important man in Egypt-He was thought to be a god." Also, the longest reign in egypts history is held by Pepy II. When he came to the throne he was six and he reigned until he was 100 years old. (Hart 10) image

Art: On page 56 the author wrote "Egyptian jewelers had no knowledge of any stones like diamonds, emeralds, or rubies." Also many royal people wore bracelets made of gold and had their one design put on it. image (Hart 56)

Ancient China

Location: The author wrote "The landscape of Imperial China was dotted with walled towns and cities." Also, towns and cities in Ancient China were usually built using a grid system that divided these places into sections called wards. Lastly, it said that rich people and government officials would be on the opposite side of towns at the poor people. (Cottrell 40) image

Technology: The author wrote that some of the world greatest inventions came from China. Also, in the text it states "In the Middle Ages many Chinese inventions were carried along the Silk road to Europe. Lastly, Some of the greatest inventions they made were paper money, clockwork, silk, porcelain, fireworks, kites, umbrellas, and the wheelbarrow. (Cottrell 22) image

Art: In the text it said that Chinese bronze, jade silk, lacquer, and porcelain were very high demand Throughout Asia and Europe. Also the text states "Although the manufacture of decorative objects involved sophisticated techniques, many were mass produced." After the scholar and peasants in China, Artisans were considered the most important members of society. (Cottrell 56) image

Government: The author wrote that the Chinese empire began in 221 B.C. The last Emperor was a non chinese person by the name of Manchus. The text says "The first Emperor seems to have thought he would become immortal. He built an impressive tomb guarded by thousands of life-size terracotta warriors. (Cottrell 16) image

Religion: The text said "THis increase of turmoil led Confucius to develop a new moral outlook." The author also wrote that Confucius's outlook was about kindness, respect, and strength of the family. Also, Confucius believed that a good family bond creates a stable society. (Cottrell 12) image

Writing: In the text it said an ox bone or shell from a tortoise was burned until it cracked. Also, the text says that "the cracks were then read to discover the answer to a question put to the ancestors." The oracle bones were mainly used by the Shang kings. (Cottrell 11) image

Commerce: The text said " trade flourished under the Mongol, or Yuan Dynasty." The text also states that Chinese Merchants amassed large fortunes by exporting luxury items and goods.The author wrote that trade thrived because caravans wouldn't get hurt while traveling.
(Cottrell 58) image

Indus River Valley/ Aryans

Location: I know that Indians lived long ago because there are really old cities found under the ground. In the text it said that "archaeologists discovered the remains of 4,000 year old cities, which existed at the same time as the Egyptians and Mesopotamians." Also, the Indus River Valley has very rich soil and is surrounded by high mountains, desert, and ocean. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Writing: The Indus River Valley has a very unique writing system. I know this because in the text it says that we still have not deciphered it. We have still not explored all of the Indus River Valley because of this. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Architecture/ Technology: The Indus valley people cared lots about hygiene. In the text it said, "Their cities resembled the importance of this idea. There are remains of the earliest sanitation system such as wells and water way going to houses. The people also had warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Religion: We don't know much about the religion of the Aryans. I know this because the text says that most of what we know about them comes from the books called Vedas. The text says, "The Vedas are mostly religious texts, but they also described famous victories of the Aryans as they invaded India." What we know most is that their religion was called Brahmanism and it later developed to Hinduism. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Government: Ancient Indus River Valley Civilization had a very big impact on the government of India today. I know because the caste system was created by the Ancient Aryans but India uses it today. The text says, "A caste is a social group in which people are born and they cannot change." Also, the caste system had four main groups which they called the Varnas. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image