Ancient Civilizations



Writing: In the text it said " The sumerians devised the world's first script or writing system." Also they would draw pictures in the rock or clay. (Steele 12) image

Architecture: In the text it says "The ziggurat is a massive terraced platform made of brick." It also says that the ziggurat was a religious building for the akkadians. (Steele 24) image

Religion: The author wrote " The sumerians worshipped many gods and goddesses." Also they had a lot of gods from the sun and moon. (Steele 16) 20140919-ASSYRIA-slide-73MR-superJumbo

Government: The author said " The homeland of the Assyrian people was around the Tigris river." The author also says that they were wealthy because of trade. (Steele 40) image

Ancient Egypt

Location: On page 8 it says that " The ancient Egyptians lived on a strip of land on either side of the Nile." Also, the text says that in the "Red Land", small settlements are supported in wadis or oases, but most people live along the Nile river. (Hart 8) image

Writing: The text states that " Hieroglyphics were used on state monuments, temples, tombs,and religious papyri." Also the author says scribes wrote them. (Hart 34) image

Architecture: On page 20 it says that "The first pyramid was built as the burial place of King Djoser in c/ 2650 BCE, by his gifted architect Imhotep." Then it also states that the king was buried next to his architect so he could have in the afterlife. (Hart 20) image

Religion: The author said on page 24 " The Egyptians worshipped hundreds of different gods and goddesses." Also, the author said many gods were represented by animals. (Hart 24) image

Government: In the text it says "The king was not only the most powerful and important man in Egypt -- he was thought to be a god." Also the text states that the Pharaoh was a very important man and was treated like a god. (Hart 10) image

Art: In the text it says " He would decorate before making an offering with food." It also says that they would burn the art piece like lamps. (Hart 30) image

Location: The author wrote that "most of ancient Mesopotamia lay within the borders of modern day Iraq." Also, Mesopotamia included portions of the countries of Turkey, Syria, and Iran. (Steele pg.6) image

Art: The text says " They were molding clay into simple pots." Another thing that the text points out is that they were smelting copper ore. (Steele 28) image

Ancient china

Government In the text it said "The chinese empire was formed. The Qin soldiers defeated the last of their enemies and united the 'warring states'" The text also say that the Qin empire had a very fearsome leader Qin Shi Huangdi. (Cotterell 16) image

Art: On page 56 "China has always been renowned for it arts and crafts." Also it states that many pieces of modern art is inspired from ancient chinese pieces. (Cotterell 56) image

Technology: The text says "Paper and printing were possibly the most important Chinese invention." It says that paper and printing was used to communicate from person to person. The had carved letters into rocks and used that to print by putting ink on the letters. image

Writing: On page 11 it said that "the used oracle bones to consult the ancestral spirits on important matter." The wrote on them. They thought ancestors were talking to them (Coterell 11 image

Location: In the text it says "China lead other nations in the region." it says that they are in East Asia and take a majority of Asia. (Cotterell 22) image

Religion: In the text it said "Confucius believed that the early years of the Zhou dynasty were golden years of social harmony." The text also says that Confucius saw great disorder in the Zhou dynasty years. He also saw corruption in the government. image

Commerce On page 58 it says " The silk road, a series of trade routes from China to north Asia" It also says that the silk road was a very important trading route from Europe to Asia. (Cotterell 58) image

Indus River Valley/Aryans

Location: In the text it said "A vast number of settlements were built on the banks of the Indus River and surrounding areas." It says that they moved there because of a water source and fertile ground. They moved ther about 5,000 years ago. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Religion In the text it said" The religion of the Aryans, known as, Brahmanism." Also it says that they were influenced by Hinduism. They have much in common. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Architecture Technology: In the text it said "The people within the Indus valley created well-planned cities." It also said that they cared deeply about sanitation. It says they had some of the worlds first sanitation systems.

Writing: In the text it said "Most of the symbols are located on seals." It also said that most symbols cannot be deciphered. It also says they are ancient. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Government: In the text " Was the development of the castle system." They also had different social classes. They were called carnas. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image