Auditor's communication with those charged with governance include any disagreements with management that arose during the audit, regardless of whether they were satisfactorily resolved, about matters that, individually or in the aggregate, could be significant to the entity's financial statements or the auditor's report. These disagreements could include disagreements over the application of accounting principles to the entity's specific transactions and events and the basis for management's judgments about accounting estimates, disagreements regarding the scope of the audit, disagreements over disclosures to be included in the entity's financial statements, and disagreements over the wording of the auditor's report. However, such disagreements do not include differences of opinion based on incomplete facts or preliminary information that are later resolved. Therefore, disagreements over the amount of the LIFO inventory layer based on preliminary information need not be communicated to those charged with governance. (M of Mnemonic: Auditor to communicate info "AS IS"; include SUM of all VOWS)