Ancient civilizations


Location In the text it says that the greeks call the area of Mesopotamia which means between the rivers "Also in the text it states that "most of ancient mesopotamia lay within the borders of modern iraq"[Steel 6] image

Writing on page 12 the text said reads where used to invent soft and ence macs in soft clay . They used the writing system call cuneiform .Which was used between 5000 and 3500 bce . They wrote with indentatons on clay . image

Religion on page 14 it says that "sumerians worshiped many gods and goddesses"Also they believed that the world floated on the ocean . ["Steel 14"] image

Government on page 10 it said that sumerian kings rule the will of the gods. There was a very large kings list [that is shown in the image] the rulers were mainly heads of the military . there was a ruler for every city state. which means a lot of rulers . image

Art The others wrote on page 28 that "they were molding clay pots by the eighth melinuel ". Also they made bright colored jewelry and gold was what they mainly liked to use .Also they used blue and red mainley.
[ steele 28 ]image

Ancient Egypt

Location In the text it said that in ancient Egypt " desert covers over 90 percent of Egypt " and this was called the red
the " red land." Also the text states that for thousands of years the population of Egypt has depended on its fertile agricultural resources.(Hart 8) image

Writing: In the text it states that "scribes have to be experts in writing hieroglyphics".Also in the text it says that the
egyptians used a writing form called hydro glyphics. (Hart 34) image

Architecture In the text it says that"the first pyramids was built as the burial place of king doscher in c 2650 bce" by his gifted architect.Also in the text it said rick offering were buried in the temples with the kings and they were robbed of their precious contents.(Hart 20) image

Religion In The text it says that they Egyptians "Worshiped hundred of gods and goddesses ".Also in the text itstatex that the some of they egyptian gods names were Embois , Atum,Khepri,and Scarab (Hart 24) image

Government In the text "Beyond this way The hall of gold the king where will be bared.Also in the text it said when he dies he will be surrounded by bars of gold. (Hart ) image

Art In the text it said that the " they had a lot of the valuable metals like turquoise" .Also the text says that the gems they used to use now aren't on a lot of sour jewelry.(hart 56) image

architecture Architecture: In the text it said,"A lasting symbol of Ancient Mesopotamia is the ziggurat". The two main pieces of architecture in ancient Mesopotamia were the ziggurats and temples. The houses were made of mudbrick and reeds. image

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Aincet china

Government: On page 62 it states that the chinese dynasties ended because the people were tired of the emperors controlling there life and not being able to have a say in anything that they were to do. Also in the text it states that the end of the chinese empire was also because of the low progression in technology so they had less firepower unlike neighboring countries. [Cotternell 62] image

Technology: On page 28 it talks about how the ancient chinese made their own medicine with herbal remedies which they also had to have a good diet to stay healthy. Also in the text on page 28 it stated that the "chinese interest in medicine dates back to more than 4000 years ago " which is why I believe that this was a good piece of chinese technology. [Cotternell 28] image

Writing: on page 11 it said the oracle bones were used by shang kings the bones were used to communicate with ancestors. Also it states '' cracks were then read to discover the answers to a question put to the ancestors''. The answer to the questions were also written on the ox bones or tortoiseshell. [ Cotterell] image

Commerce: In the text on page 58 it said that The mongols ruled china from 1279- 1368 and they allowed them to trade throughout the empire. On page 58 it also said that even though the mongols took over ancient china they still let them believe in there own religious beliefs and customs. [cotternell 58] image

Art : on page 46 it said that the chinese had very different clothing styles depending on how wealthy they were such as the peasant farmers whore old raggedy cloths and the rich whore robes and fine silk. In the text it stated that '' toward the end of the empire , cotton became popular but it never replaced silk as a luxury fabric. The emperors also whore silk because they were so wealthy. pg46 [cotterell] image

Location: In the text on page 6 it stated that china lost abilities to trade and allie with India and west Asia and Europe.Also in the text it stated that the chinese that lived along the river would polish stones and keeps animals such as pigs and dogs also they would farm. [cotternell 6] image

Religion: On page 26 the text states '' The religious beliefs of china were divided into three ways of confucianism,daoism, and buddhism. Also on page 26 the author writes that the chinese religion buddhism originated from india but was brought to China then started to decline in popularity and confucianism started to become more popular.[Cotternell 26] image

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Writing: On the site it says that they have put symbols on all the potery. Another example is that it says "Over 400 symbols have been used" They haven't solved all the mysteries yet though. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Government: The gupta empire was built during the golden age of india. It spread very fast and large. An example it that it said " That they invented the game of chess" (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Religion: They have a writing named vedas. The aryan religion have changed to the hinduism over time. For example They have picked up a bunch of the same traditions. (Prentice Hall: World Studies) image

Location In the text iis said that " around 5000 years ago, A civilization developed along the indus river aluva ." I know this because early on a vast number of people built along the banks of the indus river. The author states that the dirt under the caves and mines revealed several ancient cities they lived in. image

tech In the text it stated that the people in the city had well cities. The author stated that many houses and facilities had a bunch of waste water. Ther graphics showed that cities walls were most likely used to protect them from floods. image