Unit Two: Ancient Civilization


Location: in the text it said "The ancient greeks called it Mesopotamia, meaning between the river." Mesopotamia is now in modern day Iraq. (Steele 6)

Writing: On page 12 is says " At first they used picture symbols to represent objects such as cattle, grain, or fish." They used almost 700 symbols. (Steele 12)

Architecture: On page 24 it said "A lasting symbol of Ancient Mesopotamia is the ziggurat, a massive terraced platform made of bricks." Apparently It was supposed to connect earth and heaven like a mountain. (Steele 24) image

religion: On page 14 it says "Each city had its own special deity-Nippur had a great temple of Enlil, for example." The sumerians worshiped so many gods and goddesses it was crazy. (Steele 14)

government: On page 10 it says "City-state rulers were honored with various titles, such as en, ensi, or lugal." These titles are written on clay tablets. (Steele) image

Art: on page 28 it says "They invented the potter's wheel, which made pottery production far more effective." They started to do pottery 8 millennia ago. (Steele) image

Ancient Egypt

Location: On page 8 it says that since desert covered 90 percent of Egypt, people lived on the banks of the Nile Rivers. It also said "When the Nile water subsided, the farmers went to work sowing barley and emmer wheat." (Hart)image

Architecture: On page 20 it says "The first pyramid was built as the burial place of King Djoser in c. 2650 bce." the pyramids were made in six stages. (Hart) image

writing: on page 34 it says "Scribes had to be experts in writing hieroglyphs, an elaborate form of pictures-writing with about 700 different signs." It also said how they were used to mark religious things. (Hart) image

religion: On page 24 it says "At dawn he would be Khepri, the scarab beetle rolling the Sun disk above the eastern horizon." It is also stated that all their gods were supposed to resemble animals. (Hart) image

government: on page 10 it said "The king was not only the most powerful and important man in Egypt-he was thought to be a god." Also, the queen was considered a goddess. (Hart) image

art: On page 58 it says "Many of their personal names are based on the word 'nefer', meaning beautiful." They invented tweezers and hair curlers. (Hart) image

ancient china

government: after "The Qin soldiers defeated the last of their enemies and united the 'warring states' under one leader, zheng", the Chinese empire had begun. this lasted a very long time. I know that emperors ended a while ago but it is nice to remember.(Cotterell 16) image

technology: According to the text, "Some of the world's greatest inventions came from china." I would like to point out that the reason China had such an extensive arsenal of inventions is because almost every emperor encouraged this kind of thing. Some of the things China invented were silk, compasses, wheelbarrows, paper money, and the water clock. (Cotterell 22) image

writing: The first writing was in the oracle bones. on page elevine it said that kings would right on the bones then put them on fire. the cracks the fire made would be read as what their ancestors were telling them. (Cotterell) image

commerce (trade): When it comes to trade, of course we will be talking about the silk road. We all know it is "A series of trade routes that ran from northern China across Asia". many other things then silk where taded but it is to long a list to right. (Cotterell 58) image

art: like the text says, "Tor the Chinese, the way people dressed was never a casual matter." Everyone who jewelry to show how much power they had. From gold hair clips to crystal necklaces, people would dress to impress. (Cotterell 48) image

location: Like we all know, china is mostly all about its rice. "In the rice-growing regions of southern china", which as all of it, rice was everywhere. It was like the main thing anyone ate. (Cotterell 34) image

religion: One man from this time made his own religion that is still around today, and his name is Confucius. As the text states, "This increasing turmoil led Confucius to develop a new moral outlook." This outlook has impacted today in a much greater way than he would have ever believed. (Cotterell 12) image

Indus river valley

location: "Around 5000 years ago, a civilization developed around the Indus River alluvial plain (floodplain)." This is because the ground was more fertile from the floods. It covers most of northwestern India. (Prentice Hall) image

writing:"Still a mystery." With over 400 symbols to decipher, nobody can figure it out. We don't even know if it is the proper writing system. (Prentice Hall) image

Architecture/tech: "The people during this time cared deeply about hygiene, and their cities represented the importance of the idea." They had a lot of running water and could dispose of waste right. They were also very ready for the floods in their homes. (Prentice Hall) image

religion: "The religion of the ancient Aryans, known as Brahmanism, was polytheistic." It was very similar to hinduism. Most of the rituals were the same. (Prentice Hall) image

government: "One Aryan influence on modern-day India was the development of the Caste system." It is like a power pyramid that could not change and the group you are is is based on karma of your past life. They also have the "untouchables" that are so low classed they aren't on the pyramid. image