Unit 2 Ancient Civilization


Writing: On page 12 it states "The Sumerians devised the world's first script or writing system." Also on made 12 it states " At first they used picture symbols to represent objects such as cattle, grain or pictographs." (Steele) images (90)

Architecture: On page 8 it states "The small villages built in Mesopotamia between 7,000 and 4,000 BCE grew bigger." On page 23 it states " A lasting symbol of Ancient Mesopotamia is the ziggurat, a massive terraced platform made of brick." (Steele) Drake's Coggle

Religion: On page 14 it states " The Sumerian worshiped many gods and goddesses." Also on page 14 it states " They believed that the stars traveling across the night sky were the cows of Sin or Nina, the horned Moon god." (Steele) Drake's Coggle

Arts: On page 28 it states " The Mesopotamians mastered technologies and crafts at an early point in their history." Also on page 28 it states " They were molding clay into simple pots by the eighth millennium BCE." (Steele) Drake's Coggle

Ancient Egypt

Location: On page 8 it said that since the desert covered 90 percent of Egypt, people lived on the banks of the Nile River. Also in the text is said that " When the Nile water subsided, the farmers went to sowing barley and emmer wheat."
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Writing: On page 34 it states that scribes had to be experts in reading and writing hieroglyphics. Also on page 34 it states hieroglyphics is an elaborate form of picture writing with about 700 different signs. (Hart) images (94)

Architecture: On page 20 it states "The first pyramid was built as the burial." Also on page 20 it states that there it a kings chamber. (Hart)
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Government: On page 66 it states "The Egyptians dated events to a particular year in the region of a king or pharaoh." Also on page 66 it states that King Tut was pharaoh in The New Kingdom period. (Hart) images - 2022-09-28T081501.660

Religion: On page 24 it states that most gods are represented by animals. Also on page 24 it states "The Egyptians worshipped Hundreds of different gods and goddesses." (Hart)
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Arts:On page 42 it states "Many of the products and tools of the ancient Egyptian carpenters have survived, including a variety of objects made from the various trees that grew in the Nile valley or delta." Also on page 42 it states that pegs and coffins are made from acadia. (Hart) images - 2022-09-28T082210.245

Location: In the text it said "The ancient Greeks called it Mesopotamia, Meaning between the Rivers." Mesopotamia is now modern day Iraq. (Steele 6) images (86)

Government: On page 10 it states "City-state rulers were honored with various titles, such as en (Lord), ensi (Governor), or lugal (King)." Also on page it states " Sumerian rulers enjoyed great power and fame and their exploits and deeds were remembered for centuries." (steele) Drake's Coggle

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Ancient China

WRITING in the text it said an ox bone or turtle shell would be burnt till cracked. The cracks were then read to discover what the ancestors answers. The oracle bones were mainly used by the shang kings. (Cottrell 11) image

Location: The Chinese was first located on fertile land. On page 10 it states that the Shang dynasty was the first with written record. I also know because the text states that the shang dynasty first located on the fertile land of the yellow river. (Cottrell) image

Commerce: The Chinese made profit by selling their inventions. I know this because the text states that they mass-produced the block printing and arts. I also know this because it states on page 56 that they mass-produce tools and home decorations. (Cottrell Pages 56 and 24) image

Technology: The Chinese made many progressions in technology. I know this because on page 22 it states " Chinese inventions that made the world a different place were paper money, clockwork, silk, porcelain, fireworks, kites, umbrellas, and the wheelbarrow." I also know this because some of the world's best inventions were made by the Chinese. (Cottrell) image

Religion: The Chinese had three different religions. In the text it states " In imperial China, religious beliefs were divided into the "three ways" of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism." I also know this because the Buddhist religion was brought to China from india during the Hang Dynasties. (Cottrell 26) image

Government: The Chinese had an empire. I know this because on page 16 it states " In 221 B.C. the Chinese empire was formed." I also know this because In the text it states that the Qin dynasty defeated all of their enemies and gained rule over china. (Cottrell) image

Art: In the Chinese artisans were prized for their importance in the culture and economy. In the text it states that the artist make everything from tools in the agriculture fields all the way to the place of the emperor. I also know because they are treated and know as one of the most important people. (Cottrell 56) image

Indus River Valley/Aryans

The text says 5000 years age a civilisation was created on the side of the Indus River because of its fertile plain. It also says "Over time, a vast number of settlements were built on the banks of the Indus River and surrounding areas." It also said the rivers vally covers most of pakistan, north west India, and a little bit of Afghanistan. image

The text says " One of the most confusing aspects of this ancient civilization is that writing can't be deciphered." The text also says several of the sign are located seals, ceramic pots, and other types of materials. Lastly some scholars have wondered weather these symbols actually constituted a proper writing system. image


Aryan influence changed india by using the caste system. The text says "a caste is a social group in which people are born and they cannot change." It also says "the caste system began because the Aryans had four social classes, which they called varnas." image

architecture and tech
The text says that people in the Indus Valley made well planned cities. They cared about their hygiene, and the cities showed the greatness of this idea. The text also said "The advanced architecture and construction techniques of the Indus cities is also shown with impressive dockyards, granaries, brick platforms and protective walls." image

In the text it states " Much of what we know about them today also came from sacred writing called the Vedas." The text says That the Vedas are religious text but they also describe famous victories of the Aryans also they invaded India. The text states " The religion of the Aryans known as Brahmanism was a polytheistic and heavily influenced the later development of Hinduism." image