Memory cells
FcγRIIB1 receptor
IgM receptor,
IgM has low/medium affinity
Memory B cells (isotype of antigen receptor was changed), SECONDARY RESPONSE
IgG receptor,
has high affinity and it increases during time
FcγRIIB1 binds with immunocomplex with IgG --> apoptosis of Naive B cell
Becoming plasma cell (IgG) after contact with pathogen.
Produce IgG for a long time
Becoming plasma cell (IgM) after contact with pathogen
4 subpopulation of such plasma cells
All long lived plasma cells have CD19–CD38hiCD138+ phenotype (dealing mostly with DNA viruses)
T cells
Naive CD8 T cells.
Live long, catabolic metabolism
DON'T HAVE FcγRIIB1 receptor
Activation by DC who presents antigen and MHCI
Metabolic reprogramming, orchestrated by mTORC1 (protein kinase complex in the cytoplasm)
Mitosis near DC
Effector CD8 T cell. Further making a clone of effector cells
Memory CD8 T cell
CD4 Th1, Th2, Th17 travel to infected tissue where they proliferate to make a clon of effector cells
CD4 Tfh proliferate in the secondary lymphoid tissue where they provide help to antigen-specific B cells
Central memory T cells (Tcm cells)
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Memory CD4 T cell
Effector memory T cells (Tem cells)
Express L-selectin (CD62L) and hemokine receptor CCR7
(Allows enter secondary lymphoid organs and get AG from DC)
Produce IL-2
Can proliferate and differentiate in effector cells
DON'T express
L-selectin and CCR7
express CCR6, CCR4, CXCR3, and CCR5 (allows to enter to non-lymphoid tissues, e.g. inflamed or mucosal)
DON'T produce IL-4, IFNy
Produce IL-4, IFNy
Resident memory T cells that live within the tissue during and after repairing
(the most numerous type of memory T cell)
immunological memory of myeloid cells is mediated by transcriptional and epigenetic rewiring
NK cells who carry NKG2C receptor can show immune memory and proliferate quickly after further contact with pathogen
ILC1, ILC2 also show memory