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ATOMIC HABITS - Coggle Diagram
The 3rd Law - Make it easy
Walk slowly, but never backward
when preparation becomes a form of procrastination, you need to act
Planning and learning stage does not necessarily make you get in the right direction, but only outright action does
The key to mastering habit is repetition and not perfection
Scientifically, and by common knowledge, repetition is a form of change
Habit forming is when behavior becomes more automatic through repetition
Automaticity is the ability to act without thinking it over
When an action is repeated often, and it goes beyond the habit line, a habit if formed
To build a habit, you need to practice it
The law of least effort
The human brain is wired to conserve energy whenever it is possible
Human beings will likely gravitate towards an option requiring less work than that which requires more work
Practicing environment design is one of the effective ways of reducing friction in your habit
When points of friction are removed from our homes and office, we can do more with less effort
Resetting the room strategy can help prepare you for future action or next action while expending less energy
It's important to prime your environment to make future actions easier
If you want to stop bad habits, increase the friction with those behaviors
How to stop procrastinating buy using
We are faced with decisive moments on a daily basis, and they determine the flow of the minutes and hours that follows
Habits can be completed in seconds, but their impact on your behavior can last for hours afterwards
Two-minute rule is made to make habits as easy as possible to start
Habits must be established before they can be improved
Ritualizing the beginning of every process will have you slip into a deep focus state of top performance
Making habit a consistent process even with fewer minutes will get you to reinforce your identity into who you want to be
Adding habit-shaping to the two-minute rule will get you to your desired habit
A new habit is not meant to feel like a challenge
How to make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible
You can make a commitment device to have control of your future
The best way to lock in future behavior is to automate your habits
One of the ways to employ the third law of behavior change is to make one-time actions that guarantee better long term habits
Technology helps in automating behavior
A right behavior is guaranteed then you use
one-time choices like asking service providers to lower your bills can automate your future behavior and render better future benefits and returns
Making a commitment device can save you from future losses and pains
The inversion of the third law of behavior change is to make it difficult
The 1st Law - Make it obvious
The Man who didn't look right
When there is enough practice, you can identify signs that foretell certain outcomes without consciously thinking about it
The brain has the ability to encode the lessons learned through experience, and it acts out automatically
You do not need to be aware of the cue for a habit behavior to begin
To build a new habit, you need to get a handle on your current ones
When our behavior becomes more automatic, we tend to overlook the details
Awareness is a precursor to habit change
When you call out your bad habits, it adds more weight to the consequence and increases your change of stopping them
Self-awareness will get you to pay attention to the details in your behavior
The Best way to start a new habit
The two most important habit cues are time and location
To build a habit, It's important to adopt the method of implementation intention
Implementation intention gives clarity to a plan
Habit stacking helps you to create a simple set of rules that guide your future behavior
Making a list of your current habits or making a habit scorecard can help you find the trigger for your habit stack
Clear and immediately actionable cues will help you make a successful habit stack
Habit stacking is a technique you can use to pair a new habit with an established habit
Motivation is overrated; environment often matters more
The environment is filled with cues that influence our behaviors
Our behaviors are mostly not inspired by internal sentiments but external triggers
Many of the actions we take each day are driven not by purpose or choice but by obvious options
Vision is the most important and powerful of all sensory abilities
What we see determines what we do
To control the design of your environment is to become the architect of your life
Build new habits in a new environment and you don't get to battle with old cues
Stable and predictable habits require a stable and predictable environment
The secret to self-control
A radical change in an environment helps to dissolve addiction and its tendencies
Researchers during the Vietnam war developed a new belief system that countered the old belief of a permanent condition of drug addicts
Our culture attributes bad behavior and addiction to moral weakness
To become successful, you need a disciplined environment more than you need a disciplined character
When your brain encodes a habit, it readily presents your neural system with the urge to practice those addicted habits whenever the cues pop up
Getting away from the sources is a more practical way to quit a bad habit
Self-control is a short term strategy and not a long term
The 4th Law - Make it satisfying
The Cardinal Rule of behavior change
People are likely to repeat a behavior when it is satisfying
Pleasure teaches our brain that behavior is worth remembering and repeating
The cardinal rule of behavior change is that what is rewarded is repeated and what is punished is avoided
Positive emotions cultivate habits, and negative emotion destroys them
The odds that behavior will repeat now is sponsored by the first three laws of behavior change, while the fourth law of behavior change guarantees that a behavior will be repeated next time
The brain prioritizes immediate gratification over future gains
Immediate reinforcement helps you groom your new habit effortlessly
Immediate reinforcement helps you to maintain motivation in the short term while waiting for the long-term rewards
How to stick with good habits every day
Making progress comes with a soothing feeling
Habit tracker is obvious and creates triggers that allow us to repeat the habits
Habit tracking is very satisfying, and it most time serves as of reward itself
Habit tracking creates a visual cue for you to act, motivates you to act, and is very satisfying
The human brain evolved to prioritize immediate rewards over delayed rewards
Successful people quickly bounce back from their failures
Tracking habits can be pitfall when you focus on the numbers and ignore the purpose
To get a habit to stick, you need to feel immediately successful - even in small ways
How an accountability partner an change everything
Pain is an effective teacher
When a mistake is very costly, you learn faster from it
Bad habits can be reduced when the speed of punishment or consequence of the behavior is high and well meted out
Government creates a social contract and uses laws and regulations to change our habits
Habit contracts are set to hold ourselves accountable over our agreement with our habits
Getting people to serve as your accountability partner helps to reinforce our habit contract
Making social contracts allows us to make painful rewards for bad habits
Knowing that you are being watched can serve as a powerful motivator
The 2nd Law - Make it attractive
How to make a habit irresistible
Human being are also vulnerable to an exaggerated version of reality
The human brain gets excited about hyper-palatable foods
The second law of behavior change is to make it attractive
The more attractive an opportunity is, the more likely it will become habit-forming
Habit-forming behaviors are highly associated with higher levels of dopamine
Desire is the engine that drives behavior
Behaviors that are associated with another favorite activity is a temptation bundling effect
You can combine the temptation bundling technique with the habit stacking strategy to create a set of rules to guide your behavior
The Role of family and friends in shaping your habits
Your obsession will shape your behavior
Behaviors are attractive once they make you fit in
Our earliest habits are handed down to us by our culture
To build better habits, you could join a culture where your desired behavior is normal
To maintain a new habit, you should remain a part of a group that enhances that behavior
The normal behavior of a group can overshadow the desired behavior of an individual
The behavior of highly effective person is always attractive
When the culture praises a behavior, it becomes attractive
How to find and fix the causes of your bad habits
Our behaviors are motivated by deep underlying cravings and motives
Our cravings are just a manifestation of our deep underlying motives
Most habit-forming products do not create new motivations but are tied to underlying motives of human nature
Your habits are not necessarily the best for solving your problems, they are just the ones you learned to use
A craving gives you a sense that something is missing and a desire to change your internal state
A shift in perspective can help you associate hard habits with a positive experience
Associating your habits with what you enjoy doing is called a motivation ritual
Once a habit is built, the cue can prompt a craving
The Fundamentals - why tiny changes make a big difference
The surprising power of atomic habits
Little consistent efforts pay off significantly in our lives and careers
Paying attention to little and overlooked things around our lives may be just the secret to our sudden life improvement
Getting 1 per cent better at what you do daily can get you 37 times better than you were a year later
Don't underestimate the power of small and little daily improvement because massive success doesn't always require massive actions
Repeating our errors and mistakes and justifying them on day by day compound into toxic results
Emphasis should be laid on our current trajectory over our current results
To have mastery of something, patience is required
Forget about your goals and focus on the system if you want to get better results
How your habits shape your identify(and vice versa)
In building a habit that last, what matters is not the importance of one level of change over another, but the direction of change
The three layers of behavior change are; outcome change, process change, and change in identity
It's easier to maintain habits when they form parts of our identity
When a thought or action is tied to your beliefs, it becomes difficult to be detached from such actions
Identity conflicts is a barrier to positive change at any level
To become the best version of yourself, you have to edit your belief, upgrade and expand your identify continuously
One fundamental thing that habit does is that it goes beyond teaching you something to helping you trust and believe in yourself
How to build better habits in 4 simple steps
People are more likely to stick to behaviors that have pleasant rewards
A habit is created when a choice that once required effort is now automatic
The neurological activity in the brain decreases when a habit is formed
Habits do not hinder freedom but creates it
Until your thoughts, feelings and emotions interpret a cue, it remains meaningless
The four laws of behavior change applies to nearly every field. For example, politics, medicine, comedy, management, etc.
Understanding the fundamentals laws of behavior change and how to alter them is a key to creating good habits and breaking bad ones
Habits are meant to solve the problems of life with as little energy and effort possible