Ananda: Provides a tool for spiritual growth while releasing tension; uses silent affirmations while holding poses.
Ashtanga: A vigorous practice incorporating a fast-paced series of sequential postures.
Bikram: Involves practicing a series of 26 traditional Hatha yoga postures (13 standing and 13 sitting) in a hot environment.
Hatha: A more relaxed practice that emphasizes breathing, strength and flexibility; good for those new to yoga.
Iyengar: Focuses on proper alignment with the use of props; poses are typically held much longer than in other styles of yoga.
Kundalini: Incorporates postures with dynamic breathing techniques, chanting and meditating to awaken the energy at the base of the spine and draw it upward through each of the seven energy centers of the body (chakras).
Power Yoga: A challenging and disciplined series of poses designed with the intention of creating heat and energy flow.
Sivananda: Geared toward aiding participants in their journeys toward self discovery.
Svaroopa: Incorporates proper breathing, exercise, relaxation and vegetarian diet with positive thinking and meditation.
Therapeutic: Addresses all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual: of the healing process to promote health, function and enhanced quality of life for special populations – heart patients, cancer survivors or others with physical limitations.
Viniyoga: A gentle yet powerful and transformative practice in which poses are synchronized with the breath in sequences determined by the practitioner.
Vinyasa: A flow-style of yoga that melds breathing with movement.
Yoga For Fitness: A fitness-based approach is tailored for the mainstream health club member. It utilizes strength, flexibility, balance and power to give you a full workout.