Alzheimers Disease
A disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. It is progressive and irreversible.
Risk factors
Chronic conditions like diabetes, stroke and other heart diseases.
Diagnostic test
Blood tests
CT scan
Clinical manifestation
Mental decline
Nursing management
Nursing diagnosis
Chronic confusion
Expected outcomes
Minimal confusion
Decreased anxiety
Patient tolerating stimuli one at a time
Nursing Interventions
The beta amyloid deposition and neurofibrillary tangles lead to loss of synapses and neurons.
That result in gross atrophy of the affected areas of the brain, typically starting at the mesial temporal lobe.
Limit sensory stimuli and independent decision-taking.
Assist with establishing cues and reminders for patient's assistance
Provide time for reminiscing if patient so desires to allow memory of past
pleasant events to allow patient to relive those good memories.
Avoid emotionally charged situations or conversations to calm the patient and
prevent stress and sudden change of emotions