(Crazy Rich Asians) Parent Child Conflict: Between Nick and Eleanor, they struggle to see eye to eye about a lot of things in Nick’s life. Rachel is one of the biggest disagreements they have. Eleanor thinks she knows what is best for Nick and she doesn’t believe Rachel is good enough due to Rachel being too American. Eleanor thinks that Rachel will not do what is best for the family and will only do what's best for herself. Nick, however, loves Rachel and believes that she is his soulmate. Eleanor constantly makes Rachel feel inferior and eventually, Nick is willing to leave his mom and his family to be with Rachel. Rachel refuses to let him do that and turns him down. Rachel only agrees to marry him when Nick proposes with Eleanor’s ring to show that they have Eleanor’s approval. This story is a clear indication of differences in cultural ideals. Eleanor is more traditional and thinks about the family’s well being over individual well being. She makes a lot of sacrifices for the family and expects Nick to do the same. However, Nick and Rachel are less traditional and believe that their love can make anything work. Neither perspective is correct, just the difference in generation and culture.
Parent Child Conflict: difference in generational cultural expectations shown in films and how it creates conflict.