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Spillover & Connectedness: Commodity Prices (CP) - Coggle Diagram
Spillover & Connectedness:
Commodity Prices (CP)
Literature in Intro
Chen & Rogoff 2003
: Pointed out that changes in WCPs are exogenous to small economies
Kilian 2009
: Price of some commodities like crude oil are even exogenous to the US economy in short-term
Basher et al. 2012, 2016
: Price of some commodities have important influences on EXR
Dangl & Halling 2012, Rapach et al. 2010
: Forecast combination approaches have been widely employed in asset price forecasting studies (FAVG)
Verdelhan 2010
: Proposes a habit model which advocates that domestic investor is more risk-averse than foreign counterparts when the economy is a recession so the author expects a positive currency excess return during bad times at home, creating the predictability of excess return
Lustig et al 2014
: Found countercyclical behavior of expected return on a short position in the dollar and long position in a basket of foreign currencies
This portfolio is fully exposed to EXR risk
Dynamic portfolio formed by commodity forecasts of currency return has a higher annualized return 1.6% - 3.1% than the portfolio formed by benchmark of historical average forecasts
World CP fluctuations potentially explain a major component of their terms-of-trade fluctuations in these countries
World commodity price is exogenous to EXR to a large extent
Commodity factor addresses the model uncertainty which causes worse forecasting performance of economic models
In-sample evidence shows significant Granger causality
Out-sample indicate the univariate predictive regression with commodity factors produces significantly more accurate exchange rate forecasts than benchmark of random walk model for all 4 currencies
Detected predictive content of CPs for currency excess return and significant predictability in-sample and out-sample
Currency predictability can be explained that CP provide useful info regrading future business changes
Kilian 2009, Wen et al. 2012, Zhang 2017, Salisu et al. 2018, Wang et al 2013, 2019
: Oil price shocks have essential impacts on the variables reflecting economic activities
Dependent variable: EXR
Currencies: AUD, CAD, NZD, ZAR
Reason: 4 countries primmary commodities account for significant fraction of their exports
Investigates the predictive content of CPs for exchange rates (EXR)
17 Popular commodities including crude oil
Average commodity returns can successfully predict the level and excess returns to EXR of currencies in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa for in-sample and out-sample perspectives
Excess currency returns is economically significant
Mean-variance allocating wealth between domestic and foreign bonds can improve the portfolio performance by using commodity forecasts of currency return instead of benchmark of historical average forecasts.
Liu, L., Tan, S., & Wang, Y. (2020). Can commodity prices forecast exchange rates?. Energy Economics, 87, 104719.
Shown CPs can successfully predict short-term EXR of commodity currencies, providing a potential way to partly resolve the "Meese-Rogoff" puzzle
Period: Jan 1975 - Dec 2015
Zhang, Y., Ding, S., & Scheffel, E. M. (2019). A key determinant of commodity price Co-movement: the role of daily market liquidity. Economic Modelling, 81, 170-180.
Types of commodities: Oil, Silver, Gold, Corn, Live cattle
Common liquidity factor was identified to which drives the 5 commodity prices to move along a common trend
Market more (less) liquid, all CP tend to move up (down) in the same direction
Policy makers draw valuable lessons from monitoring daily commodity liquidity dynamics as timely bellwhether for incipent inflation and to more efficiently control inflation risk.
Literature in Intro
: Objection to the view that trends in commodity prices occupying more prominent position on most central banks' watch list of key economic indicators:
Cody and Mills 1991
: A close relationship between CP and CPI
Clarida et al. 1991
: CP strongly inform movements in inflation, interest rates and output (GDP)
Bhar and Hamori 2008
: CP can be informative for formulating monetary policy, due to the role played as input factors to industrial production
Stock and Watson 2003
: Argued that CP are useful as predictors for inflation and output growth
Holtemoller and Mallick 2016
: Employed both an estimated VARX and small open economy New Keynesian model to demonstrate that global food price shocks constitute an important contributor to cost-push inflation in India
Mallick and Sousa 2013
: Estimated a battery modern dynamic macroeconometric models in order to robustly identify the importance of commodity price shocks, which lead to rise in inflation and demand a more aggressive behavior from central banks towards inflation stabilization
Bernanke 2008
: Calls for the development of a better understanding of the factors that underpin commodity prices
: To identify a high-frequency market liquidity bellwhether and investigate its potential in signaling changes in CP trends
Evidence demonstrating how daily measures of liquidity observed across different commodity markets exhibit a tendency to co-move in accordance with the existence of a common liquidity factor
Shown with such a common liquidity bellwether may be underpinning much of observed co-movement of commodity prices, by presenting evidence from a series of co-integrating regressions and Granger causality test
Statistically establish the existence of significant daily price co-movement among different commodity classes
Liquidity can drive aggregate price shock, which amplify inflation risk
Additional tests further suggest that the impact of liquidity on CP co-movement is stronger in a post-2008 financial crisis sub-sample of our complete data set
Dynamic linear regression carried out on lagged liquidity variables & commodity market CRB index to control for changes in overall macroeconomic conditions
Co-integrating regression analysis similar from
Leybourne et al. 1994
Establishing the existence of a co-integrating & long-run equilibrium relationship between CP co-movements and common liquidity factors
Liquidity effect on prices is not only found to spill over across different commodity sector boundaries, but also to propagate across different maturities of commodity futures securities
Establish existence and usefulness of common commodity liquidity bellwether as an important market-derived
Real-time predictor of cross-sectional CP co-movements
Presence of a series of long-run co-integrating relationships between common liquidity bellwether and array of CP while establishing predictive utility
GARCH: univariate volatility processes
1.a. Oil prices and 4 CP
Period: 1980
VAR: multivariate for each country
Monthly data
Monthly log changes in output, interest rates, CPs, EXR & price of each country's important commodity
ARMA method
Each country behaves idiosyncratically. EXR & inflation volatility are linked to CP fluactuations in more cases rather than output and interest rates
Examined individual results being Chile the 'commodity currency'
Chilean economy influences copper prices indicating traders recognize the country's strong ties to metal
Literature in Intro
Van der Ploeg and Poelhekke 2009
: Both oil and non-oil price volatility reduce economic growth and contributed to 'resource curse'
CP volatility spillovers to country's EXR or output but also policymakers can react and impacting interest rates and inflation
Make policymakers in making difficult decisions
Not all central banks must be as sensitive to CP swings as others
Defining countries by categories: Commodity economies, Diversified exporters, insulated oil exporters (less affected by oil price shocks)
In the long run, diversification into manufacturing may help protect countries from wild swings in CPs
In short run, countries must manage risk either through capital controls or inflation targeting monetary policy to avoid transmission to EXR and prices
Price decrease cause capital outflows
Deteriorations in balance of payments
Reduction in competitiveness
This paper studies the volatility processes of 6 major CPs
Price increases lead to currency appreciation
Before applying Multivariate GARCH to examine spillovers among the variables
Global CPs has large increase during Global Financial Crisis & steep decline after the crash
Chile is most closely tied to copper price, Indonesia to oil and tin
Brazil & Philippines are less affected
Russia is highly insulated from fluctuations in world oil prices
Hegerty, S. W. (2016). Commodity-price volatility and macroeconomic spillovers: Evidence from nine emerging markets. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 35, 23-37.
Fluctuations in CPs can have strong linkages with entire macroeconomy, currency are most closely connected
Commodity exports bring in foreign exchange, any volatility can ahve direct impact on balance of payments
Drop in CP can cause a drop in GDP
Aim: Studying the effect of CP volatility on 9 emerging markets
Random effects logit model approach by
Mundlak 1978 & Chamberlain 1982
60 LICs
Period; 1963 - 2015
Found that volatility of CPs is a significant predictor of banking crises in a sample of 60 low-income countries
Shown that major channel through which CP movements can affect the real economy is through their effect on banks' balance sheets and financial stability
In contrast to findings on advanced, emerging economies, credit booms and capital inflows do not play a significant role in predicting banking crises
Historical data 40 peripheral economies between 1848 and 1938
Effect of CPs volatility on banking crises is concentrated in LICs with fixed EXR regime and high share of primary goods in production
CPs volatility is likely to trigger financial instability through a reduction in government revenues and shortening of sovereign debt maturity, which weaken the banks' balance sheets
Literature in Intro
Hardy & Pazarbasioglu 1999
: Banking system distress are differ across economies with different structural characteristics
Fernandez et al 2017
: Since 1960s global shocks to CPs account for about one quarter of output fluctuations in LICs, they are comparable with richer countries and has significantly increased over past 15 years with financialization of commodity markets
Reinhart & Rogoff 2013
: Graduation from banking crises has so far proven illusive
Koren & Tenreyro 2007, Fernandez-Villaverde at al 2011
: Shown the importance of volaitlity shocks for economic growth and development
Bloom 2009
: Found uncertainty shocks including CPs have real effects on firms' hiring and investment decisions
Bleaney and Greenaway 2001, Blattman et al 2007, Williamson 2012, Cavalcanti et al 2015
: Shown the volatility of CPs more than growth are matters for output fluctuations
CPs fluctuations through Financial Channels: Due to effect on balance sheets and financial stability
Cespedes and Velasco 2012, Agarwal et al 2020
: Shown a fall in CPs reduces bank lending for commodity exporter of developing countries
Kinda et al 2018
: Found that negative CP shocks are associated with higher non-performing loans and lower bank profitability
Caprio and Klingebiel 1996a, 1996b
: Documented a number of banking crises in 1980s and early 1990s and show that volatile terms of trade as associated with systemic crises, specifically on countries with a concentrated export base
Terms of trade fluctuation leading to financial instability and crises
Sharp drop in prices translate into revenues for exporting firms which is more difficult to service their debt obligations, with potential negative effects on banks asset quality
Caprio & Klingebiel 1996b
: Large variations in prices increase asymmetric information and make it more difficult to select good from bad borrowers
a. Emphasized key role that CPs play in triggering financial sector stress. So, this paper help whether fluctuations in CPs can help predict banking crises
Agarwal et al 2020
: Shown declining CPs are associated with worsening bank health and lead to a contraction of bank lending in LICs
b. Most literature looking at advanced and emerging markets so focused in this paper towards LICs.
1980s & 1990s
: Period of financial instability, most concentrated among commodity exporters. Handful on developing countries have been hit by systemic banking crises over past 2 decades.
Factors contributed, an extended period of sustained economic growth, financial deepening and favorable external conditions, period of stable and high CPs
Since 2014, increasing number of LICs have been experiencing financial distress, declining bank profitability and deterioration in bank asset quality
Mendoza 1997, Deaton 1999, Kose 2002, Raddatz 2007, Cespedes & Velasco 2012
: CPs is motivated by the observation that they are one of the most important factors driving economic aggregates in developing countries
Eberhardt, M., & Presbitero, A. F. (2021). Commodity prices and banking crises. Journal of International Economics, 131, 103474.
Motivation: zoom in experience of LICs and focus on the role CPs in driving financial sector distress
Logit model enables to maintain full sample of 60 countries including non-experienced crises episode hat estimation can be interpreted as within-country estimates
Developed a LIC-specific early warning system for systemic banking crises by
Laeven & Valencia 2013
Focusing on investigating whether there exist economic fundamentals linked to EXR fluctuations
Focusing on short-horizon predictive ability
Little systemic relation between CP changes and EXR changes at monthly and quarterly frequencies
CP related to daily nominal EXR of commodity currencies
Relationship is statistically and economically significant
Predictive ability of lagged realized CP changes is more ephemeral (temporary)
Allowing time variation in relative performance is crucial to show that lagged CPs can be statistically significant predictors of EXR out-of-sample
Literature in Intro
Buyuksahin & Robe 2014
: Studied commodity future markets & financialization. Their evidence condirms role of speculators in driving cross-market correlations between equity returns and commodity returns
Chen et al 2010
: Found EXR predict CPs at quarterly frequency and CPs do not predict EXR. Focusing on CP indices, which average across several commodities, not just individual commodities
Faust et al 2003
: Predictive ability easier to find in a real-time data
Amano & Van Norden 1998a,b, Issa et al 2008, Cayen at al 2010
: In-sample explanatory variables fro real EXR. Considering out-sample predictive ability for nominal exchange rates
Effects of oil price changes on EXR changes are short-lived & frequency of data is crucial to capture
Conditional on knowing the future value of CPs and forecsting the EXR well
Good model to forecast oil prices, could exploit to forecast future EXR
Stronger at daily frequency
Found predictive ability using daily data which disappears at longer horizon
Existence of short term relationship at daily frequency between changes in price of a country's major commodity export and changes in nominal EXR
Relationship appears to be robust & to hold when using contemporaneous CP changes in regression
Limitation: The existence of out-of-sample correlation is not informative regarding economic causality in the data
Monetary fundamentals do not help forecast EXR out-of-sample not even in terms of out-of-sample fit, at the monthly or quarterly frequencies
Past values of CPs were not good forecasts of future values of CPs cause ended up rejecting the predictive ability CPs
Ferraro, D., Rogoff, K., & Rossi, B. (2015). Can oil prices forecast exchange rates? An empirical analysis of the relationship between commodity prices and exchange rates. Journal of International Money and Finance, 54, 116-141.
Main focus on Canadian - US Dollar
Focusing whether price of country's major commodity export can predict movement in its nominal EXR in a pseudo out-sample forecasting exercise
Daily frequency
Short run co-movement
Canadian-US Dollar EXR
Oil prices
Uses real-time data but uses economic fundamentals that is very different from traditional ones
Country; Canada due to crude oil export high, sufficient long history of market-based floating EXR, small open economy and small size in world oil market (price taker)
Canadian - US interest rate
Cui, J., Goh, M., & Zou, H. (2021). Coherence, extreme risk spillovers, and dynamic linkages between oil and China’s commodity futures markets. Energy, 225, 120190.
Shown that oil market exhibit higher coherence with copper, natural rubber, fuel oil futures
Shown low coherence with corn, soybeans, soybean meal, white sugar futures on long term scale
Investigations towards oil and Chinas commodity futures markets
Total risk connectedness at extreme lower quantile level 0.01 is higher than conditional mean and median level
The main spillovers net-transmitters: WTI oil, Brent oil, soybean oil and copper futures
DECO model: point to time-varying with low average equi-correlations between oil and commodity futures
Risk spillover net-recipients; White sugar, soybean, soybean meal, cotton, corn, aluminium, natural rubber and fuel oil futures
Dynamic extreme negative risk spillovers are highly volatile & vulnerable to major international events (GFC, oil price plunge and Covid 19 pandemic)
Investigate time-frequency dependence
Extreme spillovers
Dynamic linkages
Brent oil offer better portfolio diversification benefits than WTI oil
Optimal-weighted portfolio illustrates the highest risk and downside risk reduction effectiveness
Extreme spillovers between oil and China's commodity futures markets should be monitored constantly since affecting the hedging and portfolio diversification
Investors in China's commodity futures should be alert to the extreme risk spillovers transmitted from oil markets and hold oil assets in their portfolios to diversify portfolio risk
Chinese govt should establish a forward-looking extreme spillover warning mechanism to avert systemic financial risks
Investors and portfolio managers should develop dynamic and alternative portfolios and regularly recalibrate their portfolio strategies according to specific market conditions
China should strengthen its crude oil reserves and seek more cleaner and sustainable energy resources to reduce high dependence on crude oil imports and minimize the negative impacts caused by the significant oil price fluctuations
Emergency response mechanism for major crisis events should be further enhanced
Literature in Intro
Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009, European Sovereign Debt Crisis 2010-2012, Oil prices collapse 2014-2016, China's stock market crisis 2015 and ongoing Covid-19 pandemic
Quantile connectedness approach (Risk net-pairwise connectedness network)
Wavelet coherence
Period; Jan 2006 - Dec 2020
Teterin, P., Brooks, R., & Enders, W. (2016). Smooth volatility shifts and spillovers in US crude oil and corn futures markets. Journal of Empirical Finance, 38, 22-36.
crude and corn futures prices
To obtain empirical volatility response functions & time-varying correlation coefficient
Multivariate GARCH model
Short term and long term futures exhibit shift in mean and volatility
Trigonometric function
Volatility do not manifest in the same manner for different maturities
Indicating that term structure of futures volatility changes over time
BRIC countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China
low-frequency trigonometric functions into conditional variance equations in order to capture the growth of BRIC
Multivariate GARCH framework
Variance impulse response function suggested by
Hafner & Herwartz 2006
Daily settlement prices of corn and crude oil futures
Literature in Intro
Hertel & Beckman 2011, Tyner 2010, Muhammad & Kebede 2009
: Argued the increased reliance on biofuels is a key factor contributing to the increased linkages between the grain and petroleum markets.
Enders & Holt 2012
: Suggested rapid income growth in emerging economies (BRIC) countries is one of the primary drivers of the price boom, citing increased demand for both agricultural and energy products.
Summer 2009, Wright 2011
: From 2006 through mid 2008 grains experienced one of the largest percentage price increases in history and that volatility increases sustained
Enders & Holt
: Examine the behavior of real petroleum and agricultural prices over 50 year period and identify structural changes in each by estimating shifting-mean autoregression
: Generalized the procedure and estimate the prices as a mean-shifting VAR
Both of these papers treat the conditional variance of each market as a constant, so they ignore the possibility of volatility shifts spillovers
In contrast
Wetzstein and Wetzstein 2011
: Strong connection between oil and agricultural prices is a myth because of creation of biofuel capacity entails adjustment costs non-reversibilities and uncertainties
Tyner 2010, Hertel & Beckaman 2011, Saghaian 2010, Zhang et al 2010
: Found that changes in government policy and non-petroleum input price changes often govern large movements in grain prices
Myers et al 2014
: Use common trend-cycle decompositions and find that co-movements between energy and agricultural feedstock prices tend to dissipate in the long run.
Trujillo-Barrera et al 2012
: Argued that underinvestment in agriculture, low inventory levels, supply shocks in key producing regions, fiscal expansion and lax monetary policy in many countries, and depreciation of the US dollar, have also contributed to increased commodity price volatility
Zhang et al 2009, Trujillo-Barrera et al 2012
: Model the agricultural and petroleum prices in a multivariate GARCH setting and explore volatility spillovers, but do not allow for structural breaks in mean or variance
Perron 1989
; It is important to allow mean & volatility breaks as demonstrated that neglected structural change in mean and variance equations typically result in suprious existence
Gallant 1981
: Gallant's Flexible Fourier Form to allow for breaks in VAR with GARCH effects and show means and variance-covariance matrix of corn and crude oil futures exhibit structural change
Baillie & Myers 1991, Brunetti & Gilbert 2000, Jin & Frechette 2004
: Found that CP exhibit long memory in that conditional volatilities appear to be fractionally integrated
Paper approached allow for breaks in both mean and variance equations
Used GARCH allows smooth shifts in volatility spillovers between the 2 markets
Controlling for breaks in GARCH model helps alleviate the problem of spurious persistence
Examining future prices
Price discovery is important feature of exchange-traded futures. Informed traders will prefer futures over spot transactions due to low margin requirements and lack of physical products.
Brooks 2012
: crude oil & corn futures are characterized more as unarbitraged rather than fully arbitraged markets so futures prices may reflect future expected spot prices
Future markets permit the analysis of maturity time dimension and calendar time dimension so volatility shocks & spillovers can be studied from both short term and long term perspectives
Aim: Examine the changing relationship between energy and agricultural markets for crude oil (petroleum) and corn prices (grain)
Biofuel production is not likely to be highly responsive to short-run oil price changes
Corn and oil future prices often move together and that both volatilities are far larger in the latter third of the sample than during the 1990s.
Structural change in volatility presents in both short-term & long term futures contracts
Variance impulse response function to assess whether controlling for volatility breaks leads to reduction in volatility persistence
Shah, A. A., & Dar, A. B. (2021). Exploring diversification opportunities across commodities and financial markets: Evidence from time-frequency based spillovers. Resources Policy, 74, 102317.
Literature in Intro
CP: Corn, Wheat, Maize
Granger Causality
CPs, oil prices connectedness: post Asian Financial crisis
Connectedness between CPs and oil prices among oil-rich countries
To identify the connectedness between the 2 markets
To forecast inflation and develop comparative analysis
Usefulness of commodity prices in forecasting inflation
To examine the behavior of individual markets
Diebold-Yilmaz, DY Approach: Total Spillover, Directional spillover & net pairwise spillovers
CPs (corn, soybean, sugar, wheat, maize), Oil, gold
Forecasting the EXR
Spillover index: FrequencyConnectedness
Significant impact between CPs and oil. High oil prices affect commodity prices
Spillover increases at post-crisis period: relatively higher during Global financial crisis, European Debt crisis, covid 19
Higher percentage of directional spillover indicates high connectedness
Currency values has strong connection with world commodity prices and will the linkage help in forecasting inflation
No connection
Financial assets